Available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Services include Confidential Emotional Support, Work-life Solutions, Legal Guidance, Financial Resources, Online Support, Help for New Parents, and Free Online Will Preparation.
What is the Employee Assistance Program EAP,
• Call: 877.595.5281
• TDD: 800.697.0353
• Online: guidanceresources.com
• App: Guidance Resources Now • Web ID: EAPBusiness
All accidents and injuries occurring during the program must be reported to the Site Leader and Quality Assurance Coach immediately and documentation is to be submitted within x hrs via the ______ link on T____ T______
what is 24 hours via the incident reporting link located on Think Train.
Mandated reporters are all...T________ T_________ s____
what is all Think together Staff
Reassuring touch on the shoulder to show approval or provide support
High fives
Fist bumps
What is appropriate touch?
The form used to communicate to parent of hurt student.
Accident/Injury Parent Notification
At least one full-time think Team member must be certified in.
What is First Aide and CPR
Head injuries must be reported by submitting
What is an accident injury report online via think train
It is OUR responsibility to report any incident to the proper authorities immediately. Think Together team members are NOT to investigate any incident.
What is the Los Angeles Child Abuse Hotline
1-800-540-4000 Online Reporting: https://reportChildAbuseLA.org
Forceful holding of a child in chair or squeezing or holding a student’s hand as a way to change behavior.
Forced goodbye kisses/hugging
Corporal punishment (e.g., spanking, pushing, shaking).
Sexual exploitation.
Hitting or in any way physically assaulting a child.
What are examples of prohibited touch include, but are not limited to...?
Form SCs fill out monthly to record the emergency drills conducted.
Monthly Safety Focus Log/Emergency Drill Record
The 3 emergency drills conducted at sites and aligned with site protocols.
What is the fire, earthquake and lockdown drills?
Each site has one visible and all staff are aware of it in case of employee work related injury.
What is the "Orange packet", the Employee work-related injury report.
Child Abuse Reporting Procedures In the event that a staff member has a reasonable suspicion or knowledge of child abuse, the following steps must be taken:
Contact SL/QAC immediately for guidance for support
Complete the child abuse report for before calling the child abuse hotline or the police department.
Do not discuss report unless contacted by authorized personal
Place an unusual incident report
LOS stands for and means.
what is Line Of Sight, This means that staff are to consistently and effectively position themselves in a place where they are aware of and visually see all students, 100% of the time and through every component of the Expanded Learning Program.
Illness free
Medication free
Stress free
Attitude that's positive
Ready for fun
These items are found in...
2 full boxes of standard bandages
1 box of extra-large bandages
1 box of butterfly wound closures
1 roll of adhesive tape
2 cold packs
1 box of gauze pads
1 box of disposable latex gloves or non-latex gloves (Note: if allergic to latex gloves call a team member for support)
Hand Sanitizer
CPR Mask
1 tissue pack
What is a New Site Startup Kits include First Aid supplies? SL is responsible for inventory and re-ordering supplies as needed.
When we encounter a lock down, breakin/theft, drug or weapon related occurrence, inappropriate behavior by an adult or student, stranger on site, threat, violent activity, etc. you file a...
Unusual Incident Report via link on Think Train
Mónica's favorite
A contingency plan.
What is the Outline plan in the site binder that identifies staff to step into the role of the SL.
LOS Debrief guide.
What is the form you can utilize with staff to review and support understanding of line of site.
Who is Andrew
The Lion King, Toy Story and Fast and the Furious.
What are Nelson's favorite movies?
What is Jill's favorite color?
She went on a day of hiking in the woods, came home and read a good book.
Who is AK?
The night mare before christmas
One Jill and Lina's favorite movies