True or False: The body can become dependent on alcohol despite whether a person wants to drink or not.
True or False: Alcohol affects the brain
Alcohol affects the brain and the body, but especially the brain. This is because the blood vessels in the brain are smaller than the ones in your body, so your brain is the first place to absorb the alcohol.
What is BAC?
Blood Alcohol Content.
This is the amount of alcohol in your blood. Too high of a BAC can result in blacking out, alcohol poisoning, coma, and even death.
How old do you have to be to purchase alcohol in the US?
Name one cure for a hangover
Time on the only cure
What are the support groups called for those trying to stay sober?
True or False: The brain keeps developing until you are 25
This is why alcohol is illegal until your early 20s in most countries. Countries are trying to limit the harm alcohol can have on your brain while it is still growing
Myth or Fact: The more I drink, the higher my tolerance is. This means my BAC doesn't get higher and I can drink more.
While the same amount of alcohol may have less effect on how you feel overtime, your BAC does NOT change. This is important because when people develop a higher tolerance, they are more likely to drink more, and this can be dangerous because their BAC doesn't change.
True or False: Different countries have different ages a person can drink
In some countries you can start drinking at 19, some 21, some 25. This is based on how much harm that country thinks you may experience drinking. This might be because of body development, driving, or other factors.
What is the average age that boys first try alcohol?
Name 2 reasons why people may become dependent on or abuse alcohol
To avoid negative feelings, cope with stress. Genetics
What are 3 organs that are affected by alcohol?
The brain, the liver, and the heart.
Too much alcohol can damage the brain, the liver, and the heart
What is 1 harm reduction strategy you can use?
Limiting the amount of drinks you have, planning a safe way home, drinking water between drinks, eating before drinking, using an app to track your BAC, not mixing drinks, making sure your phone is charged before a night out, watching out for your friends, don't drink alone, know the laws in your city/state, only have drinks you made yourself or saw being poured.
Does the Good Samaritan Law only apply to alcohol?
The Good Samaritan Law applies to any substance.
Can alcohol affect teenagers' brains, to the point where development can be affected?
What are two sign tat someone might have a drinking problem?
Being unable to control you drinking
Using alcohol to change your personality
What is the hippocampus part of the brain, and what happens when alcohol enters this part of the brain?
part of brain that makes memories.
When alcohol enters this part of the brain, it may stop your brain from being able to form memories. This is why people blackout.
What is harm reduction?
Choosing behaviors that have less risks
For example, limiting the amount of drinks you have in one night
What is the legal blood alcohol limit for adults in driving?
Name 2 short-term effects of intoxication
Slurred speech, blurry vision, impaired judgment, lowered inhibition, poor reflexes
Does someone have to be an "alcoholic" in order to have problems related to alcohol?
Someone may drink too much and too often but still be dependent on alcohol. Some of the problems linked to alcohol abuse include not being able to meet work, school, or family responsibilities, drunk-driving arrests and car crashes, and drinking-related medical conditions. Under some circumstances, even social or moderate drinking is dangerous. For example, when driving, during pregnancy, or when taking certain medications.
What is the frontal lobe and what happens when alcohol enters this part of the brain?
Part of the brain that makes decisions.
When alcohol enters this part of the brain, it might change how likely you are to make certain decision.
What is recovery position
When you place someone on their side.
This helps that if the person throws up their airway is clear. This can prevent drunk people from chocking on their own vomit.
Making and selling alcohol in the residence is NOT allowed
What is it called when someone ingests so much alcohol that they experience extreme sleepiness, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, dangerously low blood sugar, seizures, and even death may result
Alcohol Poisoning