When should you discuss Transportation with your Case Manager?
at least 24 hours in advance
What is not allowed in the rooms? Answers may vary
Food, Drinks, and Medicine
What all supplies you need to clean CSC windows?
Paper towels and glass cleaner
What time is snack served? both times
3:30 & 8:00
What 4 papers can you sign at house meeting?
Sign in sheet, chore sign up, sack lunch, and wake up call.
What time is the gym locked on Monday-Friday?
When is curfew? Including the times and days.
Sunday-Thursday 6:30pm, Friday & Saturday 8:30pm
What supplies you need for the toilets, sinks, and trash chore?
gloves, paper towels, Lysol foam disinfectant, glass cleaner and brown bags.
What time does Dinner start?
5:00 pm
Name at least 3 CSC staff.
Nisha, Bri, Sheryl, Nataley, DanYale, Euphracia, Joceylne, Miesha.
When will room checks be conducted?
What is the Director Name?
Where is the Red hallway?
Back Hallway
What are the kitchen staff names?
Maria and Melissa.
What are our Counselors names?
Chavara & Christina
When you have conflict with staff or a client what should you do?
write a grievance and discuss with case manager.
What is the Arlington shelter number?
Where is the Green Hallway? Answers may vary
When is the deadline to call for saved plates?
5:30 pm
Who is the CSC coordinator?
Who does SOAR ( Survivors Overcoming Abusive Relationships) on Monday?
What are some Outside Resources Safe Haven provide? Answers may vary
Legal Aid, Tessa, MHMR, Mission Arlington, and HHSC
How can you express your frustrations during case conference in regards to a difficult patient.
Through peer interaction and being open to constructive feedback
What do we saved plates for?
Work, School, Court, and Hospital
What is ONE thing you should NEVER do while at Safe Haven?
Give out shelter location.