Reporting Abuse

Any exploitation whether consensual or not: inappropriate exposure or subjection to sexual contact, activity or behavior

What is Sexual Abuse?


Two church workers should be present during any activity involving vulnerable persons. If there are not two church workers in the room, there should be a second worker nearby and the door should be left open whenever possible.

What is the "two church worker" rule?


This is the system used to sign children into the nursery.

What is the sticker system?

Elaborate on the system


All children's ministry activites conducted away from the church must be approved by this leader.

Who is the children's ministry leader?


If I believe that a child is being harmed (physically, emotionally, sexually or neglected) or in danger of being harmed by their parent or guardian I have this obligation. 

What is to report abuse?

Any physical force or action, which results in, or may potentially result in, injury to a person and which exceeds that which could be considered reasonable discipline.

What is Physical Abuse?


This is a report created whenever a vulnerable person is injured in the course of a ministry event and whenever inappropriate conduct on the part of a vulnerable person is confronted or that vulnerable person is otherwise disciplined, or when a vulnerable person makes an allegation or exhibits obvious signs of abuse.

What is an Incident Report?


This activity must always take place in clear view of another nursery worker in accordance with the procedures posted.  Preference is giving to parents preforming this procedure.

What is diaper changing?


1 Million Dollars

What is the minimum liability insurance held by a person driving children or youth?


The person I report abuse/suspected abuse to.

What is It depends ;)


Acts or omissions of those responsible for the care of a person that are likely to produce long term and serious emotional disorders.

What is Emotional Abuse?


Forms that shall include the names, of parent(s) or guardian(s), notification of allergies or medical conditions, consent for participation in Church ministries, and other necessary information.

What is a permission form?


This is recommended when preschool children need assistance in the washroom.

What is visual contact?

If this is not possible workers must inform another worker that they are taking the child to the washroom and inform them when they return.


18 years of age

What is the minimum age to transport children or youth?


Unexplained or odd injuries that occur with regularity. Bruises or wounds that occur in patterns. Burn marks or wounds that reflect household items such as cigarettes, burners, rods, etc.... Wearing clothing that is unusually covering during warmer weather. A sudden change in behaviour. Unusually elevated knowledge for the age regarding sexuality. Consistently hungry, dirty and in need of care.

What are some potential indicators of abuse?


The act of failing to adequately provide for the basic needs of a person.

What is Neglect?


Volunteer drivers must complete this report in the event of an automobile accident, a traffic offense, or other event of significance while volunteer driving. Volunteer drivers are required to report both accidents and traffic offenses to the Safe Place Team when they occur while volunteer driving

What is an Incident Report?


When a nursery worker is not present children must not be...

What is dropped off?


Do not guarantee confidentiality; promise that you will do your best for them ▪ Do not ask leading or suggestive questions. ▪ Listen, encourage, affirm and care. ▪ Once the disclosure has occurred do not attempt to confirm or verify the information afterwards. ▪ Do NOT contact the family directly unless advised to do so directly by the Pastoral Team. Doing so could jeopardize safety and the investigation.

What is best practices for allegations in ministry?


A claim of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse.

What is an Allegation?


Over the age of 18.

What is the minimum age of a nursery worker?

Helpers can be younger if they are over the age of 12.


Questionable conduct such as extended hugging, spending time alone with a vulnerable person or other conduct which might pose a danger to a vulnerable person should be reported to this person.

Who is someone on the Safe Place Team?