
Ensuring Safe Route to School resources are distributed fairly among students of different socioeconomic backgrounds is an example of this principle.

What is equity?


This practice ensures that non-English speaking students and their families can understand and benefit from the Safe Routes to School materials.  

What is translation of materials?


Organizing a "Walk to School Day" event is an example of this.

What is an encouragement activity?


This activity can be done by a group of people walking a planned route, evaluating and documenting street infrastructure and conditions, barriers, positive feature and walkability. 

What is a walk audit.  


This is a marked part of the road where pedestrians have the right of way to cross. 

What is a crosswalk?


This type of planning assistance includes the analysis of existing infrastructure, public outreach, and the identification of potential infrastructure and non-infrastructure improvements to keep students walking and bicycling to school.

What is a Safe Routes to School Plan?


This curriculum is designed specifically for Minnesota schools and youth education programs by meeting education standards for children ages five to 13 to help learn traffic rules and regulations, the potential hazards to traveling, and handing skills needed to bike and walk effectively, appropriate, and safely through their community. 

What is the MN Walk! Bike! Fun! pedestrian and bicycle safety curriculum/ Walk! Bike! Fun!


This approach focuses on ensuring that students from all backgrounds feel safe and welcome on their way to school. 

What is Inclusivity? 


This annual event brings together students, parents, and teachers to celebrate walking and biking to school in the fall. 

What is Walk to School Day.


Installing curb ramps and crosswalks with audible signals for visually impaired individuals is an example of this. 

What is accessibility?


Is a data collection tool that measures how students get to school (mode share) and collected by teachers in the classroom for 2-3 consecutive days during a specific week. 

What is Student Travel Tally?


This type of training involves skill courses designed to teach students fundamental bike handling techniques in a safe, controlled environment. 

What is a bike rodeo?


Providing stickers, zipper pulls or raffle prize to students who walk or bike to school is known as this. 

What are incentives?


This type of volunteer helps ensures students safely cross the street near school zones by managing traffic and assisting pedestrians. 

What is a crossing guard?


This type of street design aims to calm traffic and makes streets safer for all users, including pedestrians and cyclist. 

What is a complete street?


A data collection tool to track leading hazards that decrease safety around schools by observing different travel modes and corresponding behaviors separately. 

What is School Zone Hazzard Observational Assessment?


This training program is specifically for community members, parents, and volunteers who want to lead and help out with walking and biking initiatives for youth in their town. This training can give participants a general overview of walking and biking activities, or deep dive into specific SRTS activites.  

What is the Walk! Bike! Fun! Ambassadors Program?


Offering free bike helmets, zipper pulls or reflective patches for students who walk and bike to school are examples of this. 

What are incentives?


This strategy involves actively involving the entire community in the planning process to build creative, equitable and meaningful engagement into the SRTS program. 

What is community engagement?


This short-term, low-cost temporary roadway project is used to pilot potential long-term design solutions to improve walking and bicycling and public spaces.  

What is a demonstration project? 


A data collection tool MNDOT utilizes to gather information from communities who have developed a SRST plan to better understand the impact of the plans on building a successful SRTS program.

What is SRTS Plan Implementation Survey?


In the Spring 2024 legislative session, Minnesota passed HF 2887. As part of this bill, schools in Minnestoa are now required to teacher pedestrian and bicycle safety to these students (grade range). 

Who are students in kindergarten through 8th grade?


This type of activity includes dropping students blocks away from school to avoid traffic congestion and provide an opportunity for physical activity. 

What is a Bus Stop and Walk/ Remote Drop-Offs?


The area surrounding the school, usually within a 1/2 - 1 mile radius, where publicly funded school bus transporation is not available, presents an opportunity for initiatives like walking school buses or bike trains. 

What is a school walk zone/school zone?


This type of intersection design slows down turning vehicles and reduces crossing distance for pedestrians. 

What is a curb extension?