
A person 18 years or older.

What is an Adult?


The children, youth, or vulnerable adults are under supervision of staff persons or volunteers for a full day, three days or up to seven days.

What are Camps?


Women who are Youth, Young Adults and older adults are members who meet regularly as a unit in the local church, district and annual conference.

What is United Methodist Women?


This saying by UMC founder, "The World is my parish," is embraced by the UMC in global connection.

Who is John Wesley?


Fill in the blanks: Blank and blank are important to any events such as camping and retreat.

What are Competent and Trained Adults?


A person from infancy to 11 years old.

What is a Child?


It is the name of the annual conference that covers from the border of Oregon down to Tehachapi Valley.

What is the California-Nevada Annual Conference?


This office serves local churches, districts and annual conference to process the Safe Gathering training.

Who is the Office of Camping and Retreat Ministry?


These words are an action statement proclaimed to Moses at the burning bush when Moses asked who it is that is sending him.

Who is "I am that I am."


It is required for all persons having direct contact with children, youth and vulnerable adults in Conference activities.

What is Training?


This training is required for every counselor in camps, retreat, and is required for clergy and staff serving at UMC.

What is Safe Gathering?


It is the global gathering of elected clergy and lay people from the annual conferences that meet every four years to discuss church polity and matters to the church ministry in the UMC and further discuss changes in the Book of Discipline.

What is the General Conference?


This conference board plans and support local church, district and annual conference's camping program.

What is the Board of Camping and Retreat Ministries?


The saying means, "I have wrestled with God."

What is Israel?


This rule requires that there will be always be two unrelated, adults present.

What is the Two Adult Rule?


This is a resolution adopted by the General Conference of the United Methodist Church in April 1996.

What is Safe Sanctuary?


This is the person 18 years of age or older who assists in conducting activities under the supervision of a staff person.

What is a Volunteer?


Records on background check and references from clergy and lay for a staff are confidential records and are kept by this office or organization?

What is an Annual Conference?


These words are a reflection of God in each individual  needed to be protected from any type of abuse?

What is the Image of God?


The required number of years as older for a person to supervise an age group.

What is at least 5 years?


Under California and Nevada laws, it is clearly defined that the child is physically injured by other than accidental means.

What is Child Abuse?


This is a person from 12 years old to 18 years old.

What is a Youth?


In any allegation against a Conference Staff person, in the course of a conference activity, this organization is contacted immediately.

What is Conference Crisis Management?


This saying means, "I am connected, therefore I exist," by Archbishop Desmund Tutu.

What is UBUNTU?


This supervision policy employs that all activities shall occur in open space.

What is Open Space?


This support will be available to all persons involved when the incident is indicated.

What is Pastoral Support?


Any person over 18 years of age with diagnosed diminished physical, mental or emotional capacities.

What is Vulnerable Adults?


Monte Toyon and Camp Lodestar are being managed by this non-profit organization.

What is UCCR?


This person said and is quoted with his words, "Let the little children come to me for theirs is the Kingdom of God."

Who is Jesus?


This position is in charge of a specific camp at a specific location and specific schedule.

What is a Camp Director?


An adult suspects the abuse of a child, youth, or vulnerable adults as occurred in any event or prior to an event. This is mandated.

What is Reporting?


This personnel is the only person authorized to make statements to representatives of the media when there are incidents in any camps or events.

What is Conference Director of Communications?


This organization is part of the process when confirmation children who also came to camps and  transitioned to LITs and are involved in the local UMC, and the connection.

What is United Methodist Youth?


This writer emphasized that let no one despise the youth or children. 

Who is Paul?


This period must have the report of any abuse witnessed be done.

What is 24 hours?


It is a willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment.

What is Child Abuse?


It includes Standard Contact Information?

What is MINIMUM Standard?


A report of abuse is submitted to this state agency with collaboration with Camp Director and Conference Director.

What is Child Protection Services?


John Wesley uttered the words, "I felt that my heart is strangely warmed," at this street.

What is Aldersgate?


The time frequency a child is abused or neglected.

What is Every 15 Seconds


It is an exploitation sexually to a child?

What is Child Abuse?


It includes Voluntary disclosure of past criminal history and allegations of criminal activity?

What is MINIMUM Standard?


This statement, "Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world," is the guiding principle in camping ministry.

What is Mission?


The words of Jesus, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in his should not perish but have everlasting life," is found in this gospel.

What is John?


It is the result when Christians neglect to take adequate precautions against abuse in our churches.

What is Failure (in our responsibilities)?


Neglected by a parent, or caretaker who fails to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care of supervision.

What is Child Abuse?


It includes a signed release and waiver form allowing the Conference to perform a background check.

What is MINIMUM Standard?


It is the community of baptized infants, children, youth, young adults and older adults that gather for worship, spiritual formation and being sent out to witness to the world.

What is the Church?


"Remember Your Creator in the days of your youth," were written this book.

What is Ecclesiastes?


It is very unlikely that Christians can completely prevent abuse in every situation. This result is intentional on the risks as a faithful following of a thorough practical policy of prevention. 

What is Reduce the risk?