Childcare Skills
First Aid
Life & Business

What is the safety signal?

"I'm ready to be picked up now"


What are the 4 age groups?

Infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school age


True or False: After you've called 911 and explained your emergency, you should hang up so that the operator can help other people.

False. Never hangup on 911, always follow the instructions from the operator.  If you need both hands to help someone else, put the phone on speaker.


Why should you always bring your cell phone to babysitting jobs?

If there is an emergency, you can call 911.  If there is a situation in which you feel unsafe and need to leave you can text the safety signal to your backup adult.


Why is it important to ask parents about their child's routines?

The child might not always give you accurate information... Plus this allows the parent to give you some ideas of what might work best for Bedtime, Entertainment, Snacks, etc.


What are the 5 things you should tell your parent before you leave home?

WHO you will be with

WHAT you will be doing

WHERE you will be

WHEN you will return home

HOW you will get there and back


What does BEST stand for?






What is the universal sign for choking?

The choking person will place both hands on the base of their neck


Why is it better to cancel a babysitting job as soon you know you can't make it?

Cancelling sooner allows the parents more time to find another sitter.


Why is the behavior management strategy of 'giving choices' effective for pre-k and school age children?

It allows the child to feel like they have some power/authority over what happens next.  This usually means that they'll be more likely to cooperate when doing the thing that they've chosen


If you are approached by an unfamiliar dog, what should you NOT do?

Run, scream, make eye contact with the dog, bark back at the dog to assert your dominance as the superior being, etc.


Explain why putting a 1 and a half year old toddler in a 'time-out' will be ineffective.

An infant/toddler won't be able to understand why they are in timeout.  Their brains haven't developed the ability to connect cause and effect yet.  


Give two examples of ways you can help to prevent a child from choking.

Cut up food into tiny pieces, avoid making kids laugh while eating, don't allow infants/toddlers to play with small toys like LEGOs or marbles, Don't allow kids to eat lots of soft foods all at once (like marshmallows)


What is a good phrase that can be used to refuse a babysitting job (without going into detail as to why)?

"I'm sorry but I'm not available"


Where is a safe place to send your safety signal and wait until your back-up adult arrives?

The bathroom


What are the 4 categories of safety (according to Safe Sitter)?

Indoor, Outdoor, Online, Personal


What is the first step of changing a diaper? (assume you've already checked the diaper and know that its time for a change)

Choose a safe place to change the diaper.  A changing table or on the floor on a changing pad/towel.

What does CPR stand for?




How should you determine what to charge as a babysitter?

Consider how many children you're watching, for how long, and what are their ages/stages.  You should also consult with your parents and other sitters you know before deciding on a final hourly rate.


Why are the kitchen and bathroom considered more dangerous than other rooms?

Presence of water, cleaning supplies, sharp objects, electrical appliances etc.


If you are indoors during an earthquake, where should you go/what should you do? (You are home alone, not watching any children)

Take cover under a desk or sturdy table.  Hold onto the desk/table as best you can until the shaking stops.


Provide and example of a way you can prevent challenging/bad behavior before it happens?

Praise good behavior! Providing this positive reinforcement will help the child to associate doing the right thing with your praise and approval, therefore making them want to keep doing the right thing.


Why is it important to keep an infants head down while performing choking rescue back blows and chest compressions?

Gravity will help dislodge the obstruction and also prevent the item from going deeper down the trachea.


Give an example of a simple yet effective way to grow your babysitting business.

Do a good job watching the kids and communicating with the parents so the parents recommend you to their friends.


Who Founded Safe Sitter

Dr. Patricia Keener