Be Prepared
Be Prepared 2
Be Responsible
Be Considerate

What does it mean to be prepared?

To be ready and have everything in place before beginning. 

Your aunt calls you to stay home all day with her son, who broke his arm. You'd have to give him medicine every four hours. Group, why can't you accept this job? 

Contestant, what would you say when refusing this job? 

"I'm sorry I can't accept the job because am not comfortable giving medicine."  


What does it mean to be responsible?

To be in charge of a job or task and to do it with focus and care. 


What does it mean to be considerate?

To be careful not to bother or hurt others. 


In your teams, screen a job with the educator. 

Points if each team showed a solid example!


You are asked to babysit by a friend of your father. You have always avoided his friend because he makes you uncomfortable, and gives you a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. Are you safe?

No, you aren't safe. Follow your gut feeling. 


Why should you call the person who referred you BEFORE taking the job?

They can tell you if the employer/kid is a good fit for you, or if you should avoid it.


How early should you show up to a new employer's home, and what should you discuss?

30 minutes; Emergency contact info, BEST, house tour


Your best friend Jessica lives next door to your babysitting job! What should you tell her?

That you are busy working and you can't hang out!


If you just don't want to babysit this time, or aren't ASAP and don't feel like sharing why, what can you say?

"I'm sorry but I'm not available."


Your favorite employer is going out with friends for her birthday, and she asks you to babysit her children and the children of her friends. There will be ten children in all. Are you able?

No, ten children is too many to watch. 


What is necessary when choosing a backup adult?

They must be aware, available, close by, and trustworthy. 


What does BEST stand for?

Bedtime, Entertainment, Snack, Toileting


What are the expectations around taking and sharing photos of the kids you're sitting for? Why?

Don't take photos of the kids (unless directed by parents) and don't share photos or your location social media. It's dangerous and invading privacy. 


When you meet someone, a strong handshake is very important. Practice your handshake and introduction with each other!

Points if everyone did their best!


You are asked to babysit for a family you've worked for before. You have texted your parents for permission but they haven't responded yet. The employer says she needs to know right now or she will have to call another babysitter. Do you have permission?

No, you need to ask your parents for permission even if you have babysat for the family before.


Is it okay to set your price and tell it to the employer?

Yes! Everyone practice: "I charge $7.50 an hour. Will that be okay?"


If you think a child you're sitting for is being been abused/neglected, what should you do?

Tell your parents when you get home. 


Watch the two arrival scenarios. What is wrong, and what is different/better about the second one?

Did you impress us with your answers?


What's a good reason to cancel?

Spin the wheel!


Someone asks you to babysit a newborn baby. Group, why are you not able to babysit? 

Contestant, what should you say when refusing the job?

"I'm sorry I can't accept the job because I don't feel comfortable babysitting for a child so young."


What is the High Five info, and who should you share it with?

Who, what, where, when, how; your parents!


What are the "rules" about your phone?

Keep it charged for emergencies; use it to communicate with the employer; don't play on it or text with friends. 


If you have to cancel, what should you make sure to do?

Give as much notice, call and speak to the employer, refer a friend if possible. 


If you're in a situation that feels dangerous or threatening, you call you parent or backup adult and say...

"I'm ready to be picked up now."