Social Safety
Physical Safety
Psychological Safety

True or False: Social safety is the the second safety we have discussed in group



True or False: Physical safety is the most basic safety in the world



True or False: Psychological safety is the second safety were talked about in group?



Name 1 way you can make sure you are social safe in your relationships with your friends 

Not keeping friends that do bad things that could get you in trouble

Not allowing friends to peer pressure you

Be kind or empathetic towards others

Don't talk poorly about others and don't spread rumors 


What is physical safety?

Knowing you will not be physically hurt by yourself or others, having your basic physical needs met (food, water, shelter)


What is psychological safety?

Being safe on the inside, being safe with yourself, being safe in your mind-- not hurting your own or purposely hurting other people's feelings 


Name 1 way you can be socially safe in social settings 

Keep good boundaries 

Understand when situations are negative and leave the social setting 


How can you make sure you remain physically safe?

Use coping skills before losing it 

Stay away from people who cause you to lose your cool

Name consequences for things your planning on doing 

Avoid threatening people

Use conflict resolution skills 

In what ways might you act if you are being psychologically unsafe?

Not have control over your behavior 

Not being organized 

Can not follow rules 

Trouble focusing 


What does it mean to be socially safe?

Having the ability to make and keep healthy relationships and to be safe in social settings

Give an example from your life when you have been physically unsafe? What was happening? What did you do to make yourself physically unsafe?

How could you have made the situation safer physically for you?


How can you encourage being psychologically safe?

Saying kind words to yourself each day

Following a schedule 

Use coping skills 

Thinking before you act

Follow a safety plan 


Give an example of a time you were social safe or socially unsafe (it must be something that happened in your life for real)

Example given

Give an example of a time you were physically safe. How did you make sure you were physically safe in the situation

Example given


Give an example of when you have been psychologically unsafe in your life.

Example given