
What do you do if you have a kitchen fire?

Grease fire- put flour on it, DO NOT use water 

Items on fire- fire extinguisher 


What do you do if you feel like someone is following you?

Walk a different route than you planned, go to an area with lots of people/ a public place


What temperature does meat need to be cooked to?

Poultry- 165 degrees

Steak- 145 degrees

Pork- 145 degrees

Beef- 145 degrees

Fish- 145 degrees

Leftovers- 165 degrees


What do you do if you are having a medical emergency?

Call 911 or go to urgent care, THEN call PACT to update us if you want to


What do you do if someone online asks you for money?

Say no, block them if needed


How do you prevent stove/oven fires?

Make sure stove/oven are clean, pay attention to what burners are on, don't put things on stoves that don't belong there, stoves are for heating food only, be careful of items close to stove


What do you do if someone asks you where you live, if you're from around here, etc.?

Don't give personal information to people you don't know 


How often should you do your dishes?

Daily/ a few times a week


What do you do if you chip or lose a tooth?

Go to a walk-in dentist or call your dentist, go to urgent care if you lose a tooth


How do you respond if someone online tells you they are a celebrity? 

There is a very high chance they are lying, don't give them money or personal information


How to use knives properly? 

Make sure your knives are sharp, keep them stored safely (in a drawer, in a knife block), don't cut things if meds affect cognition, pay attention & be careful 


When is it appropriate to call 911?

Fire, medical emergency, see a crime 


How long can you keep leftovers before throwing them away?

3 days


When is it appropriate to call the crisis line?

If you're feeling suicidal, if you feel like hurting yourself or someone else, symptoms have become distressing 


How do you respond if someone online asks you to meet up in person?

Ask to video chat first, meet somewhere public, tell someone else where you're going/bring someone else with you


How do you use a fire extinguisher?


Pull, Aim, Spray, Sweep

Aim at bottom of fire 


How can you attempt to keep yourself safe from predators?

Carry pepper spray/self-defense tools, don't walk alone at night or in unsafe areas, keep your cell phone with you


How long can you wait before putting leftovers away? 

1 hour


Is it okay to give your medication to other people or take someone else's meds and why?

No- you don't know how meds will affect you or interact with your other medications 


How do you respond if someone is sending you messages that make you uncomfortable? 

Express discomfort, stop talking to them, block them


How do you prevent mold and mildew?

Turn the fan on while showering and for 10 mins after, keep areas well ventilated, make sure clothes are dry before putting away

If you see it, contact landlord immediatley 


What do you do if you're in your apartment and you're feeling unsafe?

Lock all doors and windows, close the blinds/curtains, don't answer the door  


How often and how to clean kitchen?

At least once a week

Wipe off counters, sweep and mop floors, clean out fridge of old food, take trash out


How can you protect yourself during sexual encounters?

Use a condom/contraceptives, urinate afterward, ask partner about their sexual encounters 

If you suspect you have an STD- go to urgent care/CHC/Planned Parenthood, 

If you need a Plan B- pharmacy over the counter, Planned Parenthood


How can you know if a link or message is safe and not a scam?

Look for .org .gov, don't open links from unknown senders, don't input personal information without confirming site validity, ask someone else for their opinion