Where should you go if there is a fire in your house?
What state and county do we live in?
Alabama, Jefferson County
Where should you hold a knife?
On the handle
Who should you call if there is an emergency?
Where should you go if there is a fire drill at school?
Go outside by the football field
Where do you go for a tornado drill at school?
Outside in the hallway
Who are safe strangers?
Doctors, police, firefighters, teachers, nurses, paramedics
Aluminum foil, etc.
What can you find in a first aid kit?
Bandaids, etc.
How can you tell if the fire has spread to outside your door?
Touch the door handle
What is a tornado watch?
There is potential for a tornado
What are some safe things you can put in the microwave?
Glass, etc.
Who can you go to if you cut your finger on paper?
Parent or teacher
What should you do if you are on fire?
Stop, drop, and roll
What is a tornado warning?
There is an active tornado
Go to safe place
What is personal information you should not give to strangers?
Address, phone number, etc.
How can you practice good hygiene in the kitchen?
Wash hands
Who should you go to or call if you fall down the stairs and break a bone?
How do you know when there is a fire at school?
Fire alarm will go off
What is the name of the weatherman who tracks severe weather for Alabama?
James Spann
Who is someone you could go to if you get lost?
Police, store employee, etc.
Oven mitts
When you call 911, what should you tell the operator?
Location, name, and what is wrong