What was the November Focus 6 topic?
Adverse Weather
How should you adjust your driving when visibility is poor due to heavy fog?
Slow down, use low beams, and increase your following distance.
What is Step 0 of Backing 0321?
Always maintain a minimum of ____ seconds of following distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you
You should always maintain _______________ when climbing in and out out of your truck/equipment.
3 Points of Contact.
At what speed should you back or reverse?
What is the most effective way for a driver/operator to avoid becoming complacent during their route/work day?
Staying mentally engaged check mirrors
What Smith Key is? _______________ - Always maintain a space cushion around your vehicle to allow for escape if needed
Leave Yourself an Out
What is Step 3 in 0321?
Listen to 3 backing beeps
When do you report injuries or incidents? To who?
Immediately, to a supervisor!
What is one of the most important things to do before driving in adverse weather conditions?
Plan your route ensure tires, brakes, and windshield wipers are in good condition for maximum safety.
True or False. Backup camera on truck is not working the truck is automatically down.
What Smith Key is? __________________ - Look far ahead to see potential hazards early.
Aim High in Steering
In rainy weather, a driver/operator should do what?
Slow down, increase following distance, or avoid sudden maneuvers.