These are the components of CPR.
What are chest compressions, open airway, and rescue breathing?
This is a common symptom of cardiac arrest or heart attack, when someone has difficulty breathing, we call this?
What is dyspnea? (dys-difficulty, pnea-breathing)
This is the position you might put a person in who has had a seizure.
What is the recovery position? (Will also accept lateral or side-lying position.)
Aside from reporting to a nurse, you apply this when someone is bleeding.
What is pressure? (If you also said you would put on gloves and then apply pressure, that is AMAZING!)
Symptoms like dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing might indicate this type of blood pressure.
What is orthostatic hypotension?
True or False: When someone is choking, they can cough?
What is false? (Coughing insinuates that air is passing through when someone is choking, the airway is completely blocked, and coughing can't happen.)
Diaphoresis is a term used to describe this?
True or False: When referring to convulsions, they might be discussing a stroke.
What is false? Convulsions are referring to seizures.
True or False: Heating pads are used in skilled nursing care to help with tight and sore muscles.
What is FALSE? (Heating pads are NOT allowed in skilled facilities, do not be fooled.)
This term refers to low blood sugar.
What is hypoglycemia? (hypo-low, glycemia-blood sugar)
What is the first thing you do when a resident complains of chest pain?
What is call for the nurse?
What does the S in the F.A.S.T acronym stand for?
Speech or slurred speech? (F-facial drooping, A-arm weakness, S- slurred speech, T- time)
Instead of applying butter to a burn, what would be within the scope of practice for a CNA to apply to a burn, after calling for the nurse?
What is cool water? (Please do not put food on your burns. Or creams as that is considered a medication.)
These symptoms of increased urine output, increased thirst and fruity-smelling breath might indicate this in a resident.
What is hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar?
True or False: Aspiration and choking are different.
What is true? (Aspiration is breathing in the food or fluid, choking is when something BLOCKS the airway.)
What is the medical term for heart attack?
What is myocardial infarction?
True or False: To prevent choking on your tongue while having a seizure, one must put something in the mouth.
What is false?
Name one common cause for a burn to a resident?
What is smoking, hot food, hot bathing water, being outside for too long, heating pads, and electrical hazards? (Only need to list one to get credit for the question.)
What is the first thing you should do if you notice your resident is more confused than usual?
What is reporting to the nurse?
True or False: We provide CPR for those that have a DNR order.
What is false?
What is a position that helps someone breathe easier?
This type of seizure, someone maintains awareness throughout the seizure.
What is Jacksonian?
What is the most common cause for a resident to bleed?
What is a fall?
This is a symptom you might notice with someone who has low blood sugar.
What is shakiness, irritability, confusion, fatigue, hungry, anxiety, sweating? (Need to name at least one to get the points.)