Name one playground rule that is NOT allowed.
Answered vary
What equipment on the basketball courts can you climb on?
Should you run in the classroom?
No. always use walking feet!
Is it safe to hang upside down from equipment on the field?
No. You might fall and get hurt ☹️
Name 3 counselors you can tell if you need to use the restroom.
clover, bloom, leo
What grade do you have to be in to use the monkey bars?
Third grade.
What equipment on the basketball courts Is off limits?
The tetherball.
What should always be on while you are inside?
Your mask.
If you see something that is on the field that is unsafe (like broken playground equipment) what should you do?
Tell a counselor right away
What should you do if something in the restroom is broken (example: toilet wont flush)
Tell a counselor right away
What playground equipment is off limits?
Spider web
How can you make sure you don’t trip while Running?
Keep your shoes tied/watch where you’re going.
If you need to plug something into the Wall, what should you do?
ask a counselor to plug it in for you.
Why should we not kick balls near the fence.
It might go over and we cannot get them back
Bonus points😝👏🏻
300 bonus points 🥳🥳🥳
WHY do you need to stay where a counselor Can see you?
answers vary.
name Something on the basketball courts that you cannot go behind.
The buildings
Why do we need to put our backpacks in a cubby or off of the floor.
So nobody trips over them.
If there is another group out on the field, what should we do?
Stay a safe distance from the other group.
how many people are allowed in the restroom at one time ?
Only one
What do you need to do before you go inside to use the restroom?
Ask a counselor.
What should you do if you get into an argument with a friend?
Tell a counselor.
Are we allowed to share food with friends? Why or why not?
No because other friends may be allergic and it helps keep everyone safe!
Name 3 field rules.
Answers will vary
How long should you wash your hands for after using the restroom
At least 30 seconds