Safety rules
Why do the floors have to be clear of objects?
So know one falls or trips
What are safety rules?
Guidelines to help prevent injury.
Keep floors clear of _________.
Why do you need a smoke detector?
So you know when their is a fire
What is a hazard?
Something that can cuase harm or injury.
Use electrical items with a _____.
Responsible adult
Where should you store medcine?
In a high or locked cabnet so young kids don't get into it.
What is an injury?
Harm done to a person.
Store medicines in a _______ cabinet
What is the most common injury at home?
Getting Bruises from falling and tripping.
What do you need in your house to keep safe from a fire?
Fire alarm/ smoke detector
Keep ____ and _______ in separate cabinets
Cleaners and medicines