Computer Safety
Falls at home
Sports Safety
Safe Driving
This is how often a person should take breaks from video games/computer screens to rest their eyes.
What is every 20-30 minutes
This is an example of safety hazard that could cause a fall at home
Tripping on cords, clutter, pets, rugs Slipping on spills, in bath tub Falling from cabinets, ladders
This is what you should do when you notice you have been injured in the middle of a sports game
What is leave the game - stop the activity and ask for help
This is what to do if you see an adult or peer using a cell phone while they are driving
What is politely ask them to stop
This is what Linde does to start meetings, where we learn about each others "near-misses"
What is a 'Safety Share'
Blurred Vision, Headaches, and Nearsightedness
What are the symptoms of CVS, or focusing on a screen for too long.
This is how to use extension cords properly
What is taping them down and or keeping them away from walking areas.
This is what you should do before you start playing a sport to prevent injury
What is pre-season physical or warming up by stretching/running
This is the percentage of auto collisions that involved cell phones
What is 23% or 1.3 million car crashes
This is a policy that Linde has that prohibits its employees from this handheld device.
What is a cell phone.
Ways to reduce symptoms of CVS?
What is adjusting the viewing angle, reducing glare, resting, or blinking often
Name one of the ladder "steps to safety"
What is 1) select the right ladder for the job 2) inspect the ladder before each use 3) set up the ladder properly 4) climb and descend carefully, under supervision
This is how frequently you should take breaks in order to stay hydrated.
What is every 15-20 minutes.
This is the problem with "hands-free" cell phone devices while driving
What is the distraction to the mind, or brain.
This is an example of something safe the Butler office does.
What is issue key cards to prevent outsiders from entering the building
This is the optimal distance your head should be away from the viewing screen
What is 20-28 inches
This is when you should clean up spills to avoid falls and injuries
What is immediately, or as soon as they occur
This is what you should do after a sports game to prevent injury
What is stretch or hydrate
This is where you should put your cell phone while you are driving
What is off and in your glove box or center console
This is what I learned and shared about my safety share story about throwing the football with my friend.
What is to keep safety on your mind at all times, even when having fun.
This is how to rest your eyes from focusing on a screen
What is looking at distant objects for 20 seconds at a time.
This is the leading cause of falls at home
What is using ladders.
This is what you should drink to hydrate yourself before playing sports
What is water, or a sports drink such as gatorade.
This is how many times more likely you are to get into a car accident while texting
What is 23x more likely
This is where Linde believes that safety is a priority.
What is EVERYWHERE - at home, in the workplace, etc.