Chemical Safety
Pedestrian Safety
Kitchen Safety
Emergency Safety
Halloween Safety
What does a skull and cross bones mean when you see this on a bottle?
This means that the substance is poisonous.
If you are walking on a bike path, what side of the path should you walk on?
The right side.
What is the most important thing to do before preparing food?
Washing your hands
If you witness a car accident and people seem hurt, what phone number do you call?
You are going out for Halloween with your friends and it is very dark. There are no street lights on your street so it is very hard to see. What should you bring with you?
A flashlight
Name one poisonous chemical substance?
drain cleaners; oven cleaners; laundry detergents; floor or furniture polish; paints, and pesticides.
If you are walking on a road where there is no sidewalk, should you walk facing or against traffic?
Facing traffic.
If you see the stove left on when no one is using it, what should you do?
Turn it off
If you are making smores and your jeans catch on fire what actions should you do?
Stop, Drop, and Roll
Some of your Halloween candies have wrappers that are open. What should you do with these?
Throw them away because it is not safe to eat candy that is open
What should you do if you ingest a poisonous substance?
Call 911 or seek emergency medical attention. Be able to identify the poisonous substance.
If you are walking in the dark, what kind of clothing should you wear?
Reflective clothing.
Before grabbing a hot pot off the stove or a hot pan from the oven, what should you do?
Use a potholder
If the fire alarm goes off at school and you are evacuating the building, should you take the elevator or the stairs?
Take the stairs
You are out for Halloween with your friends and it starts to rain, thunder, and lightning. What should you do?
Go home or call someone for a ride because it is not safe to be outside when there is lightning
Where should you keep poisonous chemicals if there are children in the house?
Anything poisonous should be locked up, away from children.
What should you do when you come to a busy intersection and you need to cross?
You should look both ways and press the "walk button" and wait until the button says walk.
If something has spilled and the floor in the kitchen is now wet, what should you do?
Wipe up the mess with a towel or mop
If you see that a telephone wire has fallen down and is on the ground across the street and the sidewalk. What should you do?
Do not touch the wires, and call 911 to report the electrical wires
As part of your Halloween costume, you are wearing a mask that makes it very hard for you to see. You are walking with your friends along a main ride with many cars driving by. What should you do?
Put your mask up so that you can see better where you are walking
True or False: You can get poisoned by smelling something. For a bonus 100, what would be a poisonous smell?
True Carbon monoxide.
If a stranger asks you for directions, what is the safest way to help?
Don't go up close to any door. Other answers will be acceptable.
If a fire starts while you are cooking, what are you suppose to do?
Put the fire out with a fire extinguisher. Call 911 if the fire spreads to other areas of the kitchen.
If you witness a very bad accident and someone is unconscious on the ground and may have injured their back, neck or head, should you move them?
NO, call 911
You are going to a Halloween party dressed as a vampire. You are wearing a very long cape as part of your costume. When you go up to the front door to enter the party, there are many jack-o-lanterns with lit candles inside of them. What do you need to be careful of?
Be careful that your cape or part of your costume does not touch the flames