Clothing and Equipment
Underground lines and Structures
Handling Material
General Knowledge

True or False: 

You are NOT REQUIRED to test the presence of voltage using a voltage tester if the equipment is de-energized.


Prior to performing work on de-energized equipment, employees shall test for the absence of voltage with an approved voltage tester. Unless you work the line as if it is energized.


True or False: You are allowed to fold your rubber gloves as long as you store them in a bag that is free of debris and water.

Rubber gloves shall not be folded.


True or False: When a grounded surface is in close proximity, hot line clamps should not be installed or removed while the circuit is energized. 



True or False:

Material is allowed to roll or shift as long as it WILL NOT cause injury 


Material that may roll or shift shall be blocked, chocked, or positioned to prevent movement. 


If a cut that draws blood but can be aided with mild pressure a band aid is it considered a recordable puncture wound?

NO, BUT it should be reported and monitored for infection. Any scrape or puncture that draws blood is considered a cut regardless of the size.


When working on or near energized parts or equipment, personal accessories such as necklaces and chains shall not be worn. 

Unless _______________

When rendered non-conductive or secured to prevent contact.


Rings are allowed when wearing rubber gloves as long as that are not sharp or abrasive.

Rings, watches, and jewelry with sharp or abrasive surfaces shall not be worn on hands or arms when wearing rubber gloves.


Fill in the blank: When work is performed in manholes, pull boxes, and vaults in close proximity to other primary cables and splices that are energized, _________________ shall be used

appropriate protective blankets


Daily Double 

Which Alabama Power employee in Grid investment is the youngest of 10 kids?

Grant Glazer


True or False: While working in the field it is better to play music directly off you phone instead of utilizing headphones as wearing them would put you out of compliance?


Any form of audio that can take the personnels attention off their work is prohibited. EVEN WORKRELATED CALLS.


How many qualified people need to be present to work on an exposed energized line?

2 qualified people 


Fill in the blank:

  • A _______ shall be used when opening/closing switches or removing/replacing barrels from an energized switch

Live line tool


Fill in the blank: If a permanent change is made in an underground system, the cables shall be ______ before the work is completed and the appropriate supervision notified of the changes.



What is the exception to the following rule? 

Personnel shall not stand or work under a suspended load or inside the angle of a line under tension. 

Exception: As required to guide and secure a part or piece of equipment in place. 



These traits describe which Alabama power employee 

Is color blind

Has worked in all the Southern Company operating companies

Doesn’t like meatloaf



Fill in the Blank: The case of a transformer in service shall be considered energized at full primary voltage unless it is ___________.

verified to be grounded 


Daily Double 

Which Alabama Power employee at one time wore red suspenders and a red bowtie everyday



Fill in the blank: When working on a de-energized primary cable remote from the location of the temporary protective grounds, the cables shall be isolated or employees shall _____________.

Work from a ground mat


Please demonstrate all the hand signals for moving boom. 

Please refer to the chart.


True or False: You are allowed to wear you vest unzipped as long as is it visible and you have the rest of your PPE on.


your vest should be worn on the outside of your clothing with it fully zipped up.


What are the 3 exceptions to the to the initial minimum of qualified people needed to work on 'exposed energized lines"?

Routine switching Circuits

Work performed with live tools

Emergency repairs necessary to the general public 


Is there an exception to the following rule? 

Derricks on which booms are elevated or raised above the normal traveling height shall not be moved. 

Exception: Under the direction of a designated employee, who shall give undivided attention to the movement of the vehicle.

Movement and set-up shall be in accordance with Fleet Guideline FG09-007 - Derrick Set-up Special Job Application


Fill in the blank: All underground cables and parts energized at voltages of more than ______V shall be de-energized, clearance obtained, and temporarily grounded before work is done on the cable or before the cables are cut into or spliced.



Fill in the blank:

Material that extends more than 4 ft beyond the front or back of the truck or trailer shall have ____________ when transporting on public road The trailing end of a load of poles shall be marked as required. (See Fleet Guideline FG08-002.)  

warning devices attached:


If you are bitten by an insect or animal what should you do?

Inform your supervisor and monitor it for the next few days to be sure there are no adverse effects.