Google Apps & Things
Class Procedures
K-TEA Orders
A Matter of Courtesy
Being Safe at Work

What is the name of the program that you use to create the vision board? 

Google Slides


When you leave the classroom, what should you take with you?

Pink Sign


How do you know the number of booklets you will need to complete an order?

Read the Order Request Form


What should you say when you enter the classroom each day?

Good Morning/Afternoon to each teacher


When cleaning dishes with strong chemicals, what protective equipment should be worn?

a) Hard hat

b) Eye goggles

c) Gloves

c) Gloves


Which program did you use to make your 2025 calendar?


Where should your cell phones be during class time?

Storage Pockets


Out of sight


What do you do when have completed an order?

Ask a teacher to check your work


When you move from your work area, what should you do?

Push your chairs in


Your back suddenly begins to hurt after moving a heavy box your boss asked you to move. What steps can you take so your back does not hurt?

a) Ask a co-worker to help

b) Go home without moving the box

c) Complain to your co-worker about moving the box

a) Ask a co-worker to help


Which program is your clock form in?

Google Forms


What should you do when you are going to be absent from class?

Call or email the teacher


After the order has been completed, what do you write on the order form?

Sign your name and date


If you don't agree with someone or something, how should you handle this situation?

Politely disagree. Don't get upset, yell or throw things.


Your boss has decided to paint the office. Shortly after the painting begins, you start to feel sick. You realize the fumes from the paint are making you sick. What steps can you take to feel better?

a) Just keep working

b) Get a drink of water and move to an area that is not painted

c) Help paint the office

b) Get a drink of water and move to an area that is not painted


Name the question/statement that is included on your clock in form.

I got to class...


What should you look at when you come to the classroom so you know what to do each day?

Check the agenda board


Where do you put K-TEA orders when they are complete?

Pony Mail


When you do binder check, how do you invite your classmates?

Say, (student name), it's time for binder check.


You work in a restaurant. The kitchen floor are often wet due to spills and water splashing while washing the dishes. What safety equipment can you use so you do not spill and fall?

a) Eye goggles

b) Face mask

c) Rubber-soled shoes

c) Rubber-soled shoes


Where can you find pictures on the internet?

Google Images


What do you complete at the end of each class period?

Daily Goal Sheet


Tell me what information is included on the envelope/package that goes to Pony Mail.

To: Teacher/School

From: Ms. Wallace/WHS


Name 3 steps that you need to remember before you are dismissed from class.

1. Complete your daily goal sheet

2. Log off/shut down the computer

3. Push your chairs in

4. Make sure binder and green boxes are neatly placed on the shelf


Your boss asked you to climb a ladder to get equipment from the top shelf. You are afraid of heights. What can you do to protect yourself?

a) Tell your boss you are afraid of heights and ask if you can help with another job that does not involve climbing ladders

b) Yell at your boss because he/she asked you to climb a ladder and you are afraid of heights.

c) Hide from your boss so you don’t have to climb                                     the ladder.

a) Tell your boss you are afraid of heights and ask if you can help with another job that does not involve climbing ladders