Indivual safety
Personal Safety
Home Safety
Online safety

A person you and/or your parents don't know



True or False: All strangers are bad people. 



True or False: Its ok for children to play with fire as long as there are 4 of them

False-NEVER play with fire


 What does "Zip it" mean?

Really think twice about everything that you say online. Don’t give away your  real name, address or even which school you go to or which clubs you are in.


True or False. ...some secrets are bad and should be told so that help can be offered



Safe people that we can trust to help us

 police officer, fireman, neighbor, teacher, counselor, parents


True or False: When I answer the telephone, it is ok to give out personal information like my phone number and address.

False, never give out any personal information.


This may happen if you touch electrical appliances with wet hands

You will get shocked/Electricuted


What is cyberbullying?

Same as real life bullying but over the internet, people telling you mean things, trying to hurt you


Where should a baby sit in a car

The back seat 


If a stranger tells you to go with them

 Say NO, run and tell a trusted adult


If your clothes catch on fire, you should...

 Stop, drop and roll?


What should you do when talking to a stranger over the phone

Don't talk to strangers on the phone, Never give personal information


It is ok to meet my "best friend" from facebook for the first time with my father?

True-always have a trusted adult with you when meeting someone from online for the first time


If an adult or anyone does something to you and tells you that you shouldn't tell anyone, but you think that it is a bad should..

Tell someone, tell an adult that you trust, a counselor, a teacher or a parent.


When you go somewhere with lots of people, always....

 stay together with your family


What should you do before crossing the road

Stop, look left, look right, look left again, look up, down and if no vehicle are coming you can cross safely


If I am home alone I should...

never answer the door for strangers, never tell anyone on the phone that I am home alone, or never broadcast to the neighborhood that you are home alone


What should you do if you experience cyberbullying 

Block them, show and tell a trusted adult


If I am lost I should

Stay calm or stay where you are, look for a police officer or call 911, or make sure I know my phone number and address


Freedom from danger, risk, or injury.



If a stranger talks to you.. what should you remember?

Don't talk to strangers, REMEMBER to keep personal information, address, names, and personal information PRIVATE


State 3 home safety rules....

Never play with fire, Never run in the house

Do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands, Never stick your finger or metal objects in electrical sockets..etc. 


"Zip it", "Block it" and "Flag it"

Really think twice about everything that you say online

Block and delete emails from anyone you don’t know

Throw up a flag if something doesn't feel right. This means tell someone you trust 


Name 3 common household dangers that parents should keep out of the reach of children

lighter, detergents-clorox, knife, toilet cleaner, medicine, cigarette, alcohol, etc