By the Numbers
Health and Safety
Food Safety

This is how many safety nets there are.

What is 7?


The anacronym is SDS, which stands for this.

What is Safety Data Sheets?


This is our absolute personal commitment so that everyone returns home safe and healthy everyday.

What is Zero Accident Mindset? 


This is the temperature range that is considered the danger zone.

What is 40-140?


This is how many "whys" you drill down to in a root cause analysis. 

What is %?


This is how many days you have to sumbit a correction action plan after an Ecosure audit.

What is 5?


Fire Safety uses this anacronym - PASS, this is the meaning.

What is pull, aim, squeeze, sweep? 

These are the 3 checks for safety. 

What is do I know how to do the job, do I have the correct equipment to do the job and is the environment safe? 


This is the minimum amount of time to wash hands properly.

What is 20 seconds? 


This is the Sodexo Incident Reporting tool. 

What is SALUS? 


A new employee has this many days to complete food safety training.

What is 10?


This is what OSHA stands for.

What is occupational safety and health administration? 


The new interactive safety board has 10 items on it.  Name a minimum of 5 of those requirements.

What is Choking Poster, S.A.F.E. Cards, Global HSE Policy (English and Spanish), Global HSE Pledge (English and Spanish), OSHA Labor Law Poster (English and Spanish), Emergency Contacts, Fire Evacuation Plan? 


These are the three ways thawing food is acceptable. 

Under refrigeration that maintains the food temperature at 40°F (4°C).  

As part of the cooking process if the food that is frozen is cooked to the required internal temperature or thawed in a microwave and immediately transferred to conventional cooking equipment with no interruption.  

Completely submerged under cold running water 70°F or below that does not allow thawed portions of ready to eat food to rise above 40°F  

These are the biggest cause of work place injuries.

What are slips, trips and falls. 


This is how the minimum of how many inches of unobstructed clearance that is required around electrical panels. 

What is 36?


HACCP stands for this.

What is hazard analysis and critical control points?


We believe that all workplace injuries and illnesses are preventable. We embed a culture of care where all employees work mindfully and perform activities safely.

What is the Global Health and Safety Policy? 


This is the temperature the surface of washed items much reach in the final rinse in a high temperature dish machine. 

What is 180?


These four items are required to be on chemical containers. 

What is 

Chemical name or identity

Name and address of the manufacturer or importer

Physical hazards (fire, explosion, etc.)

Associated health hazards


This is the number for the Sodexo Reporting Hotline.

What is 888-872-5676?

For bacteria to grow it needs certain conditions.  We use the anacronym FATTOM which stands for this. 

What is food, acidity, time, temperature, oxygen and moisture?  


These are the 5 illnesses that an employe can not work while having them. These are 3 of them.

What is Norovirus, Salmonella, Shigelloses, E Coli and Hepatitis A. 


This is the HACCP requirement for cooling food.

What is food must be cooled to 70 degrees within 2 hours and to 40 or below in the next 4 hours?  


This is what LITR means.

What is lost time incident rate?