What is the minimum frequency at which the Associate Safety Committee (ASC) should meet?
What does VOA stand for, and where can you find it in the facility?
What is "Voice of Associate, found on boards in the facility"?
What is a GEMBA walk?
What is "a walk through the work area to observe processes and identify potential hazards"?
Name two existing associate engagement mechanisms used at Amazon sites
What are "VOA boards and safety committees"?
What does WHS stand for?
What is Workplace Health and Safety?
Name two responsibilities of the Associate Safety Committee.
What are "reviewing safety metrics and participating in safety walks"?
"Safety Bus"
Within how many hours should responses be provided to VOA comments?
What is "24 hours"?
Name two elements depicted on a Gemba Board.
What are "safety metrics and action items"?
What does YAWL stand for in the context of associate engagement?
What is "You Are What Leads"
Name one topic covered in the WHSMS Overview training.
What is roles and responsibilities in safety management?
What percentage of the safety committee should be composed of employee representatives?
Name two topics that must be covered in the annual WHS communication plan
What are "safety goals and key initiatives"
What should leaders do during high volume periods to identify potential safety risks?
What is "increase the frequency of safety walks"?
What is an Employee Safety Discussion (ESD)?
What is "a one-on-one conversation between a leader and an associate about safety"?
What should be done with safety issues reported by associates?
What is document them and create action plans to address them?
In which safety process should ASC members be involved after appropriate training?
What is "incident investigation"?
What is a "tap-out" activity in the context of safety communication?
What is a "brief, focused safety discussion at the start of a shift "
What is the purpose of safety blitzes on the floor?
What is "to identify and address specific safety concerns in a focused manner"?
How can associates provide input on corrective/preventive actions for safety issues?
What is through safety committee meetings and VOA boards?
What is the purpose of stand down sessions in safety procedures?
What is to immediately address serious safety concerns and reinforce proper procedures?