What does SIR mean?
What is Safety Incident Report
What are our buildings most common Hazmat items?
What is Lithium batteries.
What does the blue light mean on the RR?
What is alerts pedestrians there/s a driver 12-15 feet away from them.
Position yourself where you are cutting ____ from your body/hands/etc.
What is away
What factors cause a fire?
What is oxygen, fuel and heat
What is our buildings #1 SIR
What is lacerations
How are we supposed to dispose of Hazmat items?
What is by following the "Chemicals and Potentially Hazardous Waste SOP"
What does a driver have to do to their equipment if they are more than 25 feet away?
What is make sure their equipment is shut off.
Never us a ____ blade
What is dull
How would you put out a fire if paper or wood is burning?
What is water (Type A extinguisher)
What does ORI mean?
What is OSHA Recordable Incident.
Where is the Hazmat area in our building?
What is by ramp door 153
Name something a driver needs to do to alert pedestrians if they can't see them?
What is sound their horn
Visually scan area where you are placing your ____
What should you do when the fire alarm goes off?
What is leave the building with staff and peers following the evacuation plan.
How many ORIs did we have building wide in FY25?
What is 12
What is on the RLC notice board by the rally room
Yes or No. Are drivers supposed to be parked on the walk path?
What is no.
Report & eliminate all ____ objects from your work area
What is sharp
Who do you call if there is a fire?
What is 911
What is our building #1 ORI category
What is sprains and strains.
What is the Waste Storage Limit for non-Retail Best Buy locations? In pounds
What is 1750 pounds
Name something a driver and pedestrian area always supposed to do if they are near each other.
What is always make eye contact with each other.
What object leads to more laceration injuries than anything else
What is tape gun/broken glass.
When using a fire extinguisher, what method do you use and what does it stand for?
What is PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep)