Stranger Danger
Community Safety
Safety in the Work Place
Online Safety
Safety Spot-It

How do you know if someone is a stranger?

A stranger is someone who you do not know. You may have seen this person before but you do not know them personally.


True or False. I should walk in the middle of the road when out in the community.

False! You should always use a sidewalk if there is one available. If there is not a sidewalk, be sure to stay as close to the side of the road as possible or in the grass next to the road.


How can I keep an area safe for others after mopping the floor?

Put out a wet floor sign to let others know to be cautious.


Name a form of social media.

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc.


Is this person being safe or unsafe?

Safe! They are using oven mitts to get the hot items out of the oven.


Someone who you do not know offers you a ride home from work. What should you say?

No! If you do not know this person, you should not accept a ride from them.


You are walking in the community and come to a crosswalk sign (with a button.) What should you do to cross the street safely?

Stop walking and press the button on the crosswalk sign. Wait for the picture to change from the orange hand (wait) to the picture of the person walking. Remember to always look both ways before crossing.


Name a safety protocol that we have at the ATA and/or The Bark-ery.

Wearing gloves, wearing hairnets, washing hands, checking for broken items and reporting them if needed, close-toe shoes, safety with customers, food safety, etc.


Safe or Unsafe. You post a picture of your pet on social media.

Safe. We are not giving anyone our private information by posting our pet on social media.


Safe or Unsafe?

Safe! They are securing their money in their wallet. This is safe to do when in the community.


You are at the store and are having a hard time finding a frozen pizza. Is it ok to ask someone who works at the store even if you don't know them?

Yes! As long as you are only asking about items in the store and not giving any private information, this is safe.


Name a safe place to keep your money while out in the community.

Wallet, purse, pocket, safe spot in backpack, etc.


True or False. I should keep cleaning items (spray, rags, etc.) out on the kitchen counter where they are easy to locate and use.

False. Cleaning items should be stored in a separate area away from food and only taken out when needed for use. If you are in a space where there are children, make sure they cannot reach the area where these items are stored.


You notice that someone you do not know is trying to add you on a social media account. Is it safe or unsafe to add them as a friend?

Unsafe. We should only add people that we know on social media.


Safe or Unsafe?

Unsafe! They are crossing the road while looking at their phone. They should be paying attention to crossing safely and watching for cars.


How can you tell strangers from people who work in a store or public location?

Look for a uniform and/or a business name tag! This can help you to find community helpers. There may also be a "help desk" or "customer service" area.


Who should you share money information with?

Someone that you trust (staff member, trusted family/friend)


True or False. There is a customer at The Bark-ery that you have seen before but do not know well. To get to know them better, you should give them your phone number.

False. The customer's in The Bark-ery tend to be friendly and sometimes we may see someone we recognize. However, if we do not know these people, we should never give them private information. (Also, would it be appropriate to give a customer your number at work?)


You take a picture of yourself at home and post it to social media with your address. Is this safe?

No. While some people feel comfortable posting pictures, adding your address to the post is not safe. This is personal information that should only be shared with people we trust.


Safe or Unsafe?

Safe! The cleaning items were put away and not left out in the kitchen.


Are there any strangers that you can trust in an emergency?

Yes! We may not know a police officer or a store manager, but in an emergency, these people may be able to help us. It is good to try and find help in a public space if possible.


Who can you ask for help in an emergency while out in the community?

A police officer, a community helper in a store or public space. Try to find a public location so you are not by yourself.


Name a safety protocol that you think Wayback Burgers may have.

Food safety, wear gloves, be cautious of hot items, store cleaning items appropriately, etc.


You notice that someone you do not know is trying to add you on a social media account. What do you do?

Ignore/delete the request, block them, tell a trusted person, etc.


Is this safe or unsafe to use?

Unsafe. If you see broken items, including wires, please let someone know so it can be replaced. Do not use that item.