Safety Documentation
Preventive Actions
General Safety
Commitment to Safety

What is the difference between an incident and accident report?

An accident is an unplanned and unfortunate event that results in damage or injury of some kind. Examples include: member falling off of play equipment, member being hit by a pool stick because they weren't looking where they were going, injuries during games, etc.

An incident is an event that caused some sort of trauma or disturbance. An incident may also involve injuries. Examples include: fights between members, an angry parent who threatens staff or children, van/bus accidents, harassment, bullying, etc.


What is a preventative action that we are doing here today?



Are we mandated reporters?



How many members can use the restroom at a time?

Never two. One or three or more. 


What is the rule about being one on one with a member?

Don't be alone behind closed doors. 

Keep in view of others. 


Who fills out the incident or accident report?

The staff member(s) who witnessed the incident/accident. Then the manager/supervisor will read the report and ask clarifying questions. 


What is something that should be discussed and documented every month at each site?

Safety paperwork and drills.


What is a mandated reporter

Individuals who, within the scope of their jobs, must by law report their suspicion or knowledge of child abuse to a child protective agency.


What is active supervision?

Constantly moving, scanning, and interacting with the members. 


Are we allowed to follow/add members on social media or exchange phone numbers?

NO! " This includes in person meetings and virtual communications such as texting, video chat and social media."


When should you notify your supervisor of the incident/accident?


What would the most important role of a group leader be when you are on a bus?

Active supervision. Make sure you are constantly looking around and making sure students are are following the bus rules. The bus driver is focused on the road.


Do you need permission from your supervisor to report anything to child protective services?

No but you should express your concern. 


When is personal cell phone use acceptable?

Personal devices are not to be used while supervising member (unless in the event of an emergency).


What do you do if you see an adult on site that you do not recognize. 

Greet them, introduce yourself, ask them if they need help finding something, and confirm that they are authorized to he on site. 


When does an incident/accident report need to be submitted to Regional Manager/ASES Manager?

Within 24 hours of the event occurring.  


How can you prevent a member from getting hurt when running an activity?

Spend time going over the rules and expectations of the activity before starting. 


How do you report suspected child abuse or neglect?

Call or text the child abuse hotline. They will walk you through the proper steps and they are available 24/7. 


What does AED stand for?

Automated external defibrillator


What is our number one priority and who is responsible for it?

Safety is our top priority and is everyone’s responsibility.


Name five things that need to be documented on an incident/accident report.

- Time of incident/accident 

- Location 

- Members involved 

- Extent of what happened from start to end.

- Were the guardians contacted

- Preventative actions 

- Did you follow up with the member and guardians?


Name three of the month safety drill topics.

Fire, earthquake, bomb threat, shelter in place, weapons present.


What is something that would warrant a CPS call?

- Suspicion of abuse, neglect, or is in danger of being abused.  

- Statements of abuse from the members. 


Where is the first aid kit located on the bus?

The first aid kit is located on the front of the bus. It is to the right of the bus driver, above the main door. 


What are the staff to student ratios when at the pool?

1:15 plus a life guard