General Mills Lingo
Albuquerque Fun Facts
Plant 101
Fun Facts

Stands for Safety Observation

What is an SO

Average % at risk year to date
What is 2%
Name 2 behaviors you observe for in 5.0 Person Protective Equipment
What is any 2 of the following: 5.1 Head Protection 5.2 Eye/Face Protection 5.3 Hearing Protection 5.4 Foot Protection 5.5 Hand Protection 5.6 Fall Protection
Any condition or assumption that prevents us from working safely
What is a barrier to safe work
Name two technicians who have been trained in and have completed SOs
Who is Chris Arnold, Drew Amador, Tonny Aveling, Roger Garcia, Adrian Herrera, Leo Sanchez, Tiffany Williams, Houston Ward, Michael Lopez, Sherman Wickings, Scott McDonnell, Kyle Johnson, Paul Gomez, Mark Kleiner, Bill Rojas, Xavier Nuanez, Boo Sorphapmixay, Pat Gillooly

Zero Loss Culture

What is ZLC

Number of observations scheduled each week per area A. 3 B. 5 C. 7
What is 5
Name two behaviors you observe for 2.0 Tool and Equipment
What is any two of the following: 2.1 Selection 2.2 Condition 2.3 Use 2.4 Equipment Isolation 2.5 Barriers/Safeguards


The top 3 Barriers in F18 year to date

What is Facilities/Equipment, Hazard Recognition, and Personal Choice
The safest observed behavior (excluding PPE) so far in F18
What is Eyes on Task
The reason new observers start in pairs
What is to build capability or ensure quality observations

Estimated Number of Observations that will be conducted in F18 based on current trends:

A. 1700 B. 2200 C. 2500 D. 3100

What is 2200
Name two behaviors you observe for in 1.0 Body Use
What is any 2 of the following: 1.1 Body Position 1.2 Eyes on Task 1.3 Lifting/Lowering 1.4 Reaching In/Pinch Points 1.5 Line of Fire 1.6 Ascending/Descending
This barrier describes if there isn't effective processes in place to mitigate safety risks
What is business systems?
The highest at risk behavior in AL - most at risk observations since we started
What is housekeeping (90 total at risk) -- 6% of all housekeeping behaviors observed are at risk
True or False: There may be observations that there is nothing to thank the employee for
What is False


Number of safe behaviors observed year to date:

A. 15000 B. 17500 C. 23000

What is 23000
Name two behaviors that you observe for in 4.0 Working Environment
What is any 2 of the following: 4.1 Job Rotation 4.2 Work Pace 4.3 Housekeeping 4.4 Communication 4.5 Signs 4.6 Work Permitting
4 of the 8 barriers to safe behaviors
What is any 4 of the following: 1. Hazard Recognition 2. Business System 3. Rewards/Recognition 4. Facilities Equipment 5. Disagree on At-Risk 6. Personal Factors 7. Culture/Training 8. Personal Choice
Most improved award - name 2 of the top 5 behaviors that are the most improved from a year ago (based on % at risk).
What is Pre-Shift Inspection, Signs, Equipment Isolation, Housekeeping, Barriers/Safeguards
A circumstance where you would not conclude your observation by letting the employee know what you observed and providing an advice statement
What is Never
Number of Trained observers in ABQ? A. 75 B. 88 C. 97
What is 88
Name two behaviors you observe for in 3.0 Vehicle Operation
What is 3.1 Pre-shift Inspection and 3.2 Vehicle Use
The reason Barriers are important to track
What is to show improvement and barrier removal and drive to root cause
The area of the plant has the lowest at risk % year to date A. Cereal B. Chewy C. Crunchy D. Material Handling
What is Chewy