
How do you use a fire extinguisher?


P- Pull the pin

A- Aim at the base of the fire

S- Squeeze the handle

S- Sweep side to side until the fire is out


What do you do if you're walking and a stranger offers you a ride in their car?

Decline, get to a public/safe space if possible

How do you know if meat is cooked all the way?

Use a meat thermometer and Google temp it should reach

Cut it open and check if it's pink/bloody

When in doubt, cook it longer


What do you do if someone online asks you questions or says things that make you uncomfortable?

Ask them to stop if it's worth it, block them, report them if necessary


How to prevent getting the flu or Covid?

Get vaccinated

Drink water

Get 7-10 hours of sleep

Avoid stress

Consume Vitamin C 

Wear a mask around sick people (or if you feel like you're getting sick)

Wash your hands frequently 


How can you prevent mold in your home?

Turn on bathroom fan when showering and leave on for a while afterward, make sure spaces are well ventilated 

Report mold to landlord ASAP


What do you do if you see someone else get hurt in public?

Call 911 if necessary, don't assume someone else already has, try to stay with them if you're comfortable, use CPR/first aid skills


How long can you keep leftover food for?

If sealed in airtight container- 3-4 days, put away right away to avoid bacteria

Rice/pasta- put in fridge right away, store in small portions, only save for a few days, when in doubt, throw it out (reheated rice syndrome)


How do you safely spend money online?

Check the legitimacy of a website/seller, find well-known organizations to contribute to, request to pay in person (if buying on FB Marketplace, etc.)


What do you do if you get hurt and you're concerned it's serious?

Go to urgent care/the ED, call 911 if necessary

If it's minor and you're not sure what to do, call PACT CL


How do you handle an oven/stove fire?

Oven- turn off oven, keep door closed, use fire extinguisher if it doesn't go out quickly

Stove- turn off burner if possible, cover flames with fire blanket, metal lid, or smother with baking soda or salt

*Grease fire- do not use water

When in doubt, call 911


How do you handle a situation where you are walking alone at night and/or in an unsafe area?

Be prepared- carry pepper spray, walk with keys between knuckles, walk quickly and with purpose, keep phone fully charged, use flashlight 


How much water should you drink in a day?

15.5 cups- men

11.5 cups- women

*Especially if you drink a lot of caffeinated drinks


What do you do if a person online tells you they are a celebrity and they are asking for favors?

Do not believe them. Do not send them money. Block and report if necessary. 


When should you call the PACT crisis line?

-You're having a panic/anxiety attack

-Your symptoms are distressing

-You feel like hurting yourself or someone else

*When not to call- to ask questions, to tell us about an appt, if you're lonely, to confirm group, to ask what time it is, etc. If you need to talk to someone about not crisis topics after hours, call the ML and leave a message. 


What do you do if you smell gas in your home?

Make sure oven burners are turned off, open windows/doors for ventilation, leave area, contact landlord and/or gas company

Don't turn on stove, light matches, or do anything to create a spark


What do you do if someone is following you in the community?

Try to get to a populated area, cross the street, don't go straight home, call for help


How do you know if meat has gone bad?

A foul smell (sour/sickly sweet), a slimy or sticky texture, and discoloration


What do you do if an organization such as the SSA, the IRS, or your bank call/text you and ask you for personal information?

Do not give them personal information and block the number. Organizations will never ask you for personal information over the phone and usually will not call you. Call the company directly and ask if they tried to contact you. 


What do you do if you burn yourself?

Run burn under cold water and/or put ice on it

If it's bad, go to urgent care


How do you handle flooding in your home?

Turn off main water valve (behind toilet, under sinks, behind washer), contact landlord and/or plumber, document damage

Clean up- use bockets, mops, towels to remove water, throw out ruined items, clean and disinfect all surfaces


What do you do if you're lost/in danger and you don't have cell phone reception?

Change your voicemail to state your location and any problems so people can find you if they call. 


How do you avoid bread getting moldy quickly?

Put it in the fridge


What do you do if you receive an email/text with a link from a suspicious source? 

How do you know if a sender is legit?

Don't open the link, report the email/block as spam, block the sender

Check email addresses, call company message is from, ask someone else if unsure. 


What do you do if you get in a car accident? 

Minor- pull over, exchange insurance info, get picture of their ID and license plate, get their phone number and name, call 911

Serious- Call 911, check if people are hurt, exchange info if possible