Hazard Assessment
Incident - Root Cause Trending
Mental Health
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Did You Know?

These are the two occupational hazard categories.

What are health hazards and safety hazards?


This is the purpose of determining the root cause of an incident.

What is determining the basic factors which contributed to an incident?


When you perceive a threat or a major challenge, chemicals and hormones surge throughout your body. This triggers your fight-or-flight response in order to fight this or run away from it.

What is Stress?


The first place to go with safety-related questions or concern.

What is to your Supervisor?


A worker that is Adequately Qualified, Suitable Trained, and With Sufficient Experience is referred to as this.

What is Competent?


True or False: Emergency Response Drills are required annually.

What is True?


True or False: Workers are required to complete all orientations/training prior to starting regular work duties.

What is True?


These are the four types of hazard classifications.

What are physical, chemical, biological, and psychological?


Name one of the three leading root causes of UGS’s incidents in 2020.

What is
-Failure to Identify Hazard/Risks?
-Failure to follow rules or procedures?
-Inadequate planning or preparations?


A worker’s ability to perform their job duties in a safe, appropriate and effective manner free from the adverse effects of physical, mental, or emotional problems or any impairment due to drugs and/or alcohol is called being this.

What is Fit for Duty?


Poor this can lead to injuries when the workplace isn’t kept clean and orderly, for example: spills are left behind, hoses aren’t wound up, etc.

What is Housekeeping?


A competency assessment can be defined as this.

What is an assessment of an employee’s capabilities against the requirements of their job?


The first “P” in PPE.

What is Personal?


True or False: UGS tracks health and safety statistics to identify trends?

What is True?


These are the two levels of hazard assessment.

What are formal hazard assessment and field-level or site-specific hazard assessment?


This was the most common type of incident that occurred among UGS workers in 2020.

What is Injuries?


True or False: Medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems.

What is False?


A safety exercise to rehearse what to do in the event of an emergency.

What is Emergency Response Drill?


True or False: Competency Assessments are required every 2 years.

What is False?


True or False: All workers are required to complete emergency response training.

What is True?


This assessment is created, reviewed, and/or revised when new operations, processes, equipment, or products are introduced or modified, and when site-specific hazard assessments, inspections, or investigations identify a previously unrecognized hazard.

What is a Formal Hazard Assessment?


These are the three most likely sources of hazards.

What are people, equipment and materials, and workplace environment?


The responsible party for determining the root cause of an incident.

What is the safety department?


A natural way to get in shape and increase feelings of happiness it to do this.

What is Exercise?


DAILY DOUBLE: This group of people consists of at least half of the members being worker representatives. These worker representatives are the voice of fellow workers for health and safety.

What is Joint Health and Safety Committee?


This party is responsible for conducting competency assessments.

What is Management, Supervision, or a Competent Evaluator?


True or False: Wildfire season runs from May 1st to October 31st.

What is False?


A form of control utilized to control a hazard in the workplace?

What is: 



Two additional types of records that can serve as a field level hazard assessment.

What are toolbox meetings and work permits?


The purpose of investigating incidents.

What is to identify trends and determine corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence?


This feeling of being very tired, weary, or sleepy can impact your fitness for duty and mental health.

What is Fatigue?


Class A Fire Extinguishers are utilized on fires fueled by these types of materials.

What are Fires fueled by solid combustible materials that aren’t metal?


True or False: Competency Assessments are no longer required once you’ve been with a company for 5 years.

What is False?


Name two ways in which biological hazards can enter the body.

What is 



These are the three basic worker rights as per OHS.

What are:
The RIGHT TO KNOW about health and safety matters.

The RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE in decisions that can affect health and safety.

The RIGHT TO REFUSE unsafe work.