First Aid
General Safety 1
General Safety 2
Wilson is choking on his lunch, what is best thing to do?
- Have him bend forward and encourage him to choke it up - Throat punch him - Give 5 back blows between the shoulder blades Deliver 5 back blows and then thrusts. Use a chair if you cannot support the persons weight. *Demonstrate
When was WHMIS made law in Alberta?
March 15 1989 For a bonus 100 when was it made law in canada? -October 31, 1988
What was my first ToolBox?
- Hydration Hydrating throughout the day will significantly increase your overall performance. 3 liters for men 2.2 for women. Activity dependent. Bonus 200 - What was my first Shift Meeting? - ERP Its very important to know your role and procedures in a emergency situation. If you are ever unsure please speak up.
True or false. A young worker is anyone under the age of 20
False. A young worker is anyone under the age of 25 Bonus 200. What is the minimum working age in Alberta? 12, 15 or 16? 12 with written consent. There is special restrictions for anyone under the age of 18. I needed my moms permission to join the army at 17. She signed it pretty quick. Talk about 16 year old that fell.
How many innings does a baseball game have?
9 For a bonus 100 where were the 1988 winter Olympics held? -Calgary For another 100 What is my middle name?
What does the ABC's stand for?
Airways, breathing, circulation . Demonstrate how you check each. For a bonus 200 What is first step when arriving at the scene of a unresponsive person? Call 911
What is class D?
Poisonous & infectious. This is #1 hazard besides slips,trips and fall. as we are exposed to some nasty stuff. For bonus 200 what are the 3 symbols? -skull & crossbones -T -bio hazard sign
What does carcinogenic mean?
Cancer causing. We do not use any carcinogenic products here. Always refer to an MSDS or label if your unsure of a product. Bonus 200 - WHat does this symbol mean? -Oxidizing
True or false. You need to report all injuries to Occupational Health & Safety?
False. Incidents resulting in death or a hosptial stay over 2 days must be reported to OH&S. Or an unplanned fire, explosion, flood, collapse or of crane or derrick and building. Bonus 200 - Which of the following is considered a hazard, 1. Loud music or noise 2. Worn out extension cord 3. Stress 4. All the above
For Danas table - What is the capital city of the Philippines? For Philopeno Table - What is the capital city of The Northwest Territories?
-Manila -Yellowknife For a bonus 200 - Other than the first aid definition of CPR what significant achievement in Canada's history does CPR stand for? Canadian Pacific Railway
What does CPR stand for?
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. If you come across an unresponsive person you should immediately begin CPR. For a bonus 300 - What is the compression to breath ratio? 30:2
How many classes are there and how many symbols? You must get both right to get the points.
6 classes & 8 symbols
True or False - If you slip, trip or fall and aren't injured you don't need to report it. Reporting is only necessary if you are actually injured.
False - You must report all incidents. For bonus 300 - What does NCSO stand for? National Construction Safety Officer
What are three main parts of a workplace label?
1. Product Identifier 2. Precautionary measures 3. Refer to MSDS Bonus 300 - It makes sense for WHMIS to apply to laboratories or where chemicals are heavily used. Out of the following where else would you see WHMIS being used. 1. Restaurant 2. Oil Refinery 3. Walmart 4. All the above
Name the largest fresh water lake in the world?
Lake Superior. For a bonus 300 Where would you find the Sea of Tranquility? The Moon For another 300! Name What is the worlds biggest island? -Greenland
What does AED stand for?
automated external defibrillator. It's very simple to use. Just follow the instructions. it does the work for you. Bonus 400 - Define P.A.S.S Pull pin, Aim at base, Squeeze, Swipe
Who is responsible for following safe handling procedures of WHMIS products.
- The employer - The supplier - The Worker - All the above *All the above Bonus 400 - Is H2S heavier or lighter than air? Heavier - 1.19 . Air 1.0
What does 10-32 mean with regards to radio procedure?
Man with gun
Workers who have survived flash fires or explosions are more severely burned on areas of the body that are:
1. Uncovered like hands and face 2. Hairer 3. Covered by regular clothing 4. Or covered in lotion -covered by regular clothing For a bonus 400 - Define Competent Adequately qualified, suitably trained with sufficient experience.
What is a two-word name for the spicy middle-eastern food dish consisting of meat and vegetables roasted on skewers?
SHISH KEBAB For a bonus 400 What five letter (plural) word is related to the following: Weddings, Olympics, Saturn? Rings!
List 7 of our 11 First Aiders. You must get all 7 in a row! no mistakes inbetween. You could simply just name all 20 members until you get them all.
Brad Jackie Dana Gina Joyce Rosemarie Debra Stephen Cliff Rowena Wynne For a bonus 500 what is the compression to breath ratio for a child 1-8? 15:2 20:2 30:2 Still 30:2!
How many components is there to an MSDS
9 Product identifier Hazardous ingredients Physical data Fire and explosion data Reactivity Toxicological properties First aid measures Preventive Measures Preparation information For a bonus 500. Name 5 of the components
Elimination, Engineer, Admin And PPE are the steps to follow to control a hazard. Give me 2 basic examples of engineering:
- Ventilation & Barriers/Guards -Engineering controls are methods that are built into the design of a plant, equipment or process to minimize the hazard. Engineering controls are a very reliable way to control worker exposures as long as the controls are designed, used and maintained properly.
Finish the sentence - Part 18 sect 228(sub sect 2b) of the Alberta OH&S Code states "A worker must ------------?
A worker must inspect the PPE before using it. For a bonus 1000 - define the 20/20/20 rule. ONE TRY/NO MISTAKES Every 20 minutes takes 20 seconds to look 20 yards.
what country saw a world record 315 million voters for the an election held May 20th 1991
India For a bonus 1000 What Elton John album became the first album to enter the charts at number one in 1975? Captain fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy