Here have a mint
No Pain no Gain
You are Getting Sleepy
Better to be Safe then Sorry
Nursing Diagnosis
Socioeconomic Class Spiritual Practices Developmental Level Health State Personal Preference
What are the 6 factors that affect personal hygiene?
Sometimes overlooked and undervalued by RN's
What is Pain
Difficult to arouse in this stage of sleep
What is REM sleep
ID patients correctly ID patient safety risks Prevent mistakes in surgery Prevent infection Use medicines safetly
What is the 2013 Hospital National Safety Goals
"I don't need a bath, I'm not dirty" states a 72 year old male patient 5 days after a left thoracotomy. Pt is confiused, has generalized post op weakness and unable to ambulate more then a few steps.
What is Bathing Self-Care Deficit.
Ulceration of the lips and most caused by V-B complex deficiencies.
What is cheilosis
States you must use the pain rating scale now on all patients in pain to determine a pain rating goal and also states pain is now a HIGH PRIORITY!
What is Joint Commissions
Uncontrollable desire t sleep. May move directly into REM sleep.
What is Narcolepsy
Clutter free room Hand railings Locked wheels Non-skid sippers
What are safety measures
Recent cholecystectomy, face pale and drawn, vital sign elevated from base line, pt states I don't like to take pain meds in fear of becoming addicted.
What is Pain: Acute postoperative
self-care deficient Poor nutrition excessive use of refined sugars family history Chemotherapeutic agents
What are causes to oral problems
Rapid onset Mild to severe example: caused by trauma sustained from a car accident.
What is acute pain
Comprises about 75% of total sleep and has 4 stages.
What is Non-rapid Eye Movement or NREM
Therapeutic touch low height beds ambularm Sensor mattress
What are alternative restraints
I lay awake and think for hours every night. This has been going on for about 6 months. I try not to watch tv or eat in bed but nothing seems to work.
What is Disturbed sleep pattern: Difficulty falling asleep
Inflammation of the oral mucosa
What is stomatitis
Used to determine pain in children, those who are cognitive impaired or a patient who may not speak the same language.
What is Wong-Baker pain scle
Absent of breathing or diminished breath efforts.
What is Apnea
A physicians order is required for the use of these.
What is the application of restraints.
88 year old vision impaired male lives alone at home. States he has a hard time distinguishing one pill bottle from another. Takes about 12 different types of medications each day.
What is Risk for poisoning/overdose related to impaired vision.
Spread by direct contact with the hair of an infested person. (use the medical term)
What is Pediculosis
Part of the Health care reform passed in 2010. States I have the right to Have my pain prevented or controlled adequately, to Compassionate and sympathetic care, to Receive pain medication on a timely basis, to Be believed when you say you have pain
What is The bill of rights for people with pain
Avoid 3-4 hours before sleep.
What is smoking
Entanglement Pressure Ulcers Constipation Urinary retention Nerve Damage
What is risks of restraints
79 year old female with history of CVA 7 months ago. Pt remains weak on the left side. Walks with an unsteady gait and uses a cane at times.
What is risk for falls related to weakness, unsteady gait and occasional use of walking devise.