What does JHA stand for?
Job Hazard Analysis
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What does SDS stand for?
Safety Data Sheet
For every 4 feet that a ladder goes up a wall, how many feet should it go out from the wall?
1 foot (4:1)
What is the most cited OSHA standard?
Fall Protection
True or False.
The purpose of safety promotion is to keep employees focused on doing their work the safe way, every day.
True or False.
Employers are not required to have rules that ensure a safe and healthy workplace.
True or False.
Ongoing safety training will promote safety in the workplace.
True or False.
Another way to promote safety through employee involvement is the safety committee.
True or False.
Visual awareness is important in promoting safety within the workplace.
OSH Stands for?
Occupational Safety and Health
LOTO stands for?
Lock out Tag Out
PASS stands for?
Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
Who should be concerned with safety?
RAC Stands for?
Risk Assessment Code
True or False. Employees only have to work safely 90% of the time.
How often should ladders be inspected?
Before use and a more thorough inspection at least annually
Give at least one sample of Physical Hazard.
Noise, Poor illumination, Vibration, extreme temperature, radiation
Give at least one sample of Biological Hazard.
Bacteria, Fungi, Virus, Parasites
Give at least one sample of Chemical Hazard.
Paint, Thinners, Solvent, Linoluem Plastics, glue, adhesives, varnish, bleaches
What does this refer to?
As Low As Reasonably Practicable
What does this refer to?
As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
IDLH Stands for?
Immediate Danger to Life and Health
How many feet should a ladder extend above the roof or landing surface?
3 feet
What is the most common fire extinguisher onsite?