When someone looks at themselves with honor and self-glorification while looking down on others?
What is pride in simple terms?
What is considered the most excellent form of worship?
A Traveler
Be in this world as if you were a __________
Habeel, Qabeel, and Sheet
What were the names of Adam (AS)'s three sons?
Uqbah bin AbiMuqeet.
Who was the man who almost became a Sahabi?
1. They lie when they speak
2. Break promises
3. Betray trust
Name one sign of a hypocrite.
Verily, you will be safe as long as you remain ______?
A Mosquito
If the world were as worthy to Allah as the wing of a __________, an unbeliever wouldn’t get a sip of water.
Qabil and his children
Who did Prophet Adam (AS) advise Sheeth (AS) not to share his advice with?
The Battle of Badr
After which battle was Uqbah bin AbiMuqeet executed?
The tongue
What body part did the Prophet (SAW) say to "restrain"?
Which of the following does NOT mean Naseehah: pure, counsel, unmixed, or religious?
1. Someone who disobeys their parents
2. Someone who reminds others of their charity
Name one person who won’t enter Paradise.
The Gift of Allah
What was Sheeth (AS) known as?
1. Be a Muslim during the Prophet's lifetime.
2. See the Prophet (SAW) while he was alive.
3. Die as a Muslim.
What are the three conditions to be a Sahabah?
Dishonesty, embarrassment, attention, friends, or talking more than listening
Name one of the five signs of pride in the heart
Allah, His books, the Prophet, leaders, and common folk
Naseehah to ________.
Giving to others is more virtuous than always taking
What does "The giving hand is better than the taking hand" teach us?
Jealousy and pride
What is the first sin ever committed?
Sajdah of Ibadat and Sajdah of Honor
What are the two types of Sajda?
An exaggerated sense of one's own importance, often characterized by arrogance or excessive pride
What is self-conceit?
1. "Make excuses for people so Allah makes excuses for you,"
2. "Whoever is silent has been saved,"
3. "Leave judgment to Allah"
Name a true statement about watching your language
The believer faces difficulty living by Islam’s teachings while the non-believer indulges in worldly pleasures
What does "The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the non-believer" mean?
25 times
How many times is Adam (AS)’s name mentioned in the Quran?
1. he spat on the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
2. he openly denounced Islam.
What two actions did Uqbah bin AbiMuqeet take to show hostility towards Islam?