Medical Review/CCC
Employability Status
Financial/Tech Requirements

These applicants qualify for SAGA cash.

Who are needy adults who can't work because of illness or an impairment, or for another reason listed in the state statute?


DSS has a contract with Colonial Cooperative Care (CCC) to complete our medical reviews for SAGA. CCC will determine if Cl is 

What is Unemployable or Disabled

A person that does not have a medical impairment or meets conditions specified in state statue is considered. 



Name 2 Procedural Requirements 

What is:

Provide a SSN


 Assignment of Interest

 Substance Abuse Treatment

Interview Required

Importance of W-650


Two weeks ago, Nikki was in a car accident and broke both her feet. She provided a medical report stating that she cannot work for the next 2 months and needs to use that time to recover. Is she unemployable?

Nikki is not unemployable; her condition will improve in two months. She will need to stay out of work for less than three months, therefore is considered employable.


This qualifies an applicant as "needy."

What is the criteria of meeting both income and asset tests?


CCC must make a decision within this time frame.

What is 21 days


Requirements for this individual include medical statement that says a Cl can't work not less than 2 but fewer than 6 months and connection to labor market and earned $500 in 3 out of 5 last quarters

What is transitional short term 


Applicants must pass a non-financial test first. The requirements are

What is categorical, technical, and financial requirements


Four weeks ago Bill had a stroke and can no longer perform his job duties. A physician has provided a statement that this will be a long-term impairment lasting 6 months or more. Does this categorize him as medically unemployable?

This qualifies Bill as long-term transitional while CCC review is pending. CCC will determine if he is medically unemployable.


The SAGA program provides relief until the client can do one of these two things.

What is returning to work or beginning to receive SSI or SSDI?


Forms given for medical reviews are referred to as a medical packet. This form allows DDS to be reimbursed for any SAGA payments made to Cl when they are approved for SSI. 

What is W-650


Labor market connection is not required for this employability category however, Cl needs medical review, apply for SSDI/SSI, and sign W-650

What is transitional long term


The definition of each non-financial requirements are

Categorical: If applicant meets target population

Procedural: Things applicant must do

Technical: Things applicant is


One week ago, Amira underwent a major surgery and her physician advised her to spend the next 3 months in recovery and not return to work in the meantime. Is she medically unemployable?

Amira is not unemployable; she is short-term transitional because she will be able to return to work in 3 months.


Applicants must meet this criteria for expedited processing.

What is applying in person, having all verifications, being homeless with no place to stay, and having no food and no way to access it?


DSS ESW's are not involved in the Social Security medical reviews but should know the process and advise our Clients of this when they get denied

What is appeal the decision.


A cl who has an impairment that will prevent them from working more than 6 months has to ___

What is

Have a medical review by CCC

Verify they applied for SSI/SSDI form Social Security

Sign W-650 authorization for reimbursement 


The asset limit for a single person is?

What is $250


Adam is unable to work for the next 10 weeks because he will be spending that time in a residential treatment center for substance addiction. He is currently unemployed and receiving UCB benefits. Does he qualify for SAGA?

He qualifies for transitional short-term. A medical review is not required.


This is what SAGA stands for.

What is State-Administered General Assistance?


While CCC medical review is pending, SAGA cash can be granted as this

What is Transitional individual. (If there is medical documentation that the condition will last 6 months or more and the person is otherwise eligible)


Employability status is a categorical requirement. This page on impact will indicate these details.

What is Cash Work Exemption Details Page


4 technical requirements a Cl must be/ or have when applying for SAGA

What is citizenship status, residency, institutional status, concurrent eligibility, participating in strike, fleeing felon, transfer of assets, compliance with TFA


Jessica, age 32, has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and quit her job four weeks ago because she can no longer carry out its tasks. She receives SNAP and has $5,000 in a savings account. Is she eligible for SAGA?

She can only qualify for SAGA if she has a doctor's note stating that she needs to be out of work for 2 months or longer due to chronic illness.