Which Essay Am I?
Good or Bad Claim/Thesis?
Cite This!
Teacher Tips
Key words will appear in the prompt like: argue, claim, choose a side, use evidence from multiple sources.
What is Argumentative?
Movie theaters are better than home theaters are because I like watching movies.
What is a bad claim? Why? Argumentative or Explanatory?
A Foldable!
What is a good tool you can make to help you write your essay?
It's saying where you got your evidence.
What is a citation?
ALWAYS explain your quote. Your explanation should be longer than the quote.
What should you always do when you use a quote?
These words will appear in the prompt: explain, describe, use evidence from multiple sources.
What is Explanatory?
Roller coasters are designed and built for safety and to entertain riders.
What is a good claim? Why? Explanatory or Argumentative?
2 points/reasons in the claim or thesis
How many points or reasons should you have in a claim or thesis statement?
According to Passage 1-"Teens Make Good Choices": "A teen who says no to drugs of any kind will set themselves up for future success" (Robins 3).
What is a good citation, why?
A paraphrase is saying the author's information in your own words. A quote is copying words directly.
What is the difference between quote and paraphrase?
Write a 2-3 paragraph explanation for your history class about the relationship between clothing styles and developments in clothing creation. Your explanation must be based on ideas, concepts, and information that can be determined through analysis of the "Ready-Made Clothing and Tailoring" passage set.
What is Explanatory?
Texting in class is a bad idea because it distracts other students and prevents you from fully engaging with your teacher in the learning process.
What is a great claim! Why?
Topic sentence, evidence, explain the evidence, have a transition sentence to the next paragraph or summarize
What makes up a body paragraph?
This article says that teens who text in class are annoying (Page #4 Gubler/D'Avignon authors)
What is a bad citation, why?
Memorize the foldables Go over the difference between argumentative and explanatory essays Remember tips we give you
What are things you can do to prepare for the test?
Write an essay for your school newspaper arguing whether it is better to see a movie in the theater or at home. Your essay must be based on ideas, concepts, and information from "The Best Places for Movies" passage set.
What is Argumentative?
Superman is the best superhero because he is strong, brave, courageous, can lift 100 tons and according to the article, really handsome.
What is a bad claim? Why? Argumentative or explanatory.
The 4th paragraph of an argumentative essay that states the other side of the argument, then a rebuttal proving why the other side is still wrong.
What is a counterclaim?
According to Name the article Quote or Paraphrase Author Name, Page #
What are the elements of a good citation.
Carefully read prompt: decide whether the essay is argumentative or explanatory Make your foldable Start reading the articles, looking for evidence Organize evidence on foldable Pace Yourself
What are the steps to writing a good essay?
It's no secret that sometimes great discoveries come as a result of really big mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes lead to greatness, and sometimes they lead to diaster. Are mistakes key to making discoveries? Write an essay for your class web site arguing whether or not mistakes are a key part of discovery.
What is Argumentative?
National Parks allow visitors to see natural beauty while preserving and protecting the animals and environment.
What is a great claim? Why? Argumentative or Explanatory?
One has a counterclaim and tends to be longer, one is a little shorter, no counterclaim and you don't choose a side of the argument.
What is the difference between Argumentative and an Explanatory essay? Please explain.
According to Passage 3: "Chips in America", crispy Lay potato chips are appealing to a lot of people. (Wallace 5).
What is a good citation? Why?
Make sure your body paragraphs are about each point/reason to your thesis/claim.
What do you need to have your body paragraphs do?