Who was the first ever English king in the medieval times?
Who was Alfred the great
Who is the host of Jeopardy!?
Who is Alex Trebek
I have one eye. What mythical creature am I?
What is The cyclops
What planet is not a part of the solar system, but use to?
What is Pluto
What is 9 + 10
What is 19
Who is the last person king/queen in the medieval times?
Who is Queen Elizabeth
Who is the third time champion in Jeopardy! and won the most money in Jeopardy! ?
Who is Brad Rutter
When you look at me, you turn into snow. What mythical creature am I?
What is The Bascalis
What is the planet closest to the sun?
What is Mercury
Jamie has 306 cookies. Monica has double as Jamie. Alexis has the quadruple of Monica and Jamie combined. A store wants to borrow 4506 cookies from them. If they have enough, how much cookies do they have left? If they do not have enough, how much more cookies do they need?
What is They have enough cookies, 4590, and have 84 cookies left
Who is the exact king in the book "Robin Hood"?
Who was Richard III
Who was the first ever host of Jeopardy! ?
Who was Art Fleming
The first letter of my kind is "p". The second letter is "h", and the is "x". What mythical creature am I?
What is The Phoenix
We live in this galaxy
What is The Milky Way
What you show your work in long division, and you trace around the whole thing. What kind of triangle do you see?
What is A right angle triangle
Which two medieval names were named for medieval kings eight times
What are King Edward I - VIII and King HENRY I - VIII
Who is the second all time champion in Jeopardy! ?
Who is Ken Jennings
The Epyptians believed in this mythical creature.
What is The Sphinx
How many moons does Jupiter have?
What is 63 moons
What operation does this symbol mean *
What is Multuplication
What made castles in the medieval times go extinct?
What is Gun powder
Who is the all time champion of Jeopardy!?
Who is Watson (IBM robot)
What mythical creature is believed to be most powerful?
What is The dragon
Name three planets in the solar system that are named after gods?
What are, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus
What is 192738462836 * 526?
What is 101,380,431,451,736