The (blank) used to raise sails
What is a halyard
The first step in rigging the L14
What is bailing out the water
The boat to (blank) has to keep out of the way of the boat to leeward
What is windward
This can be used to determine where the wind is coming from
The name of the island directly across from us
What is Lido Isle
The (blank) is used to control the front of the sail
What is the downhaul or cunningham
True/false: the rudder should always be taken out of the boat or put in the boat when it is in the water
What is false
The boat that keeps out of the way of the other boat is called what?
What is the give way boat
The ripples on the water indicate
What is more wind or current
The name of the boats that transport cars from Balboa Island to the Peninsula
What is the Balboa Ferry
The (blank) is useful if you want to change the shape of the leech of the sail
What is Boom Vang
The (blanks) should be off before attaching the mainsail
What is the mainsheet, downhaul and outhaul
The boat that goes around the other boat
What is the give way boat
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) The wind typically comes from this direction in Newport
What is west
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) The name of the smallest island in the Channel Islands chain off our coast
What is Santa Barbara Island
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) The (blank) is where the centerboard lives
What is the centerboard trunk
The color of the line that has to be released to let the centerboard down
What is green
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) The boat that is (blank) has right of way over a boat that is (blank) unless the boat under (blank) is unable to keep out of the way.
What is sailing, power and power
What is flooding and ebbing
The name of the road that crosses the bridge over the Back Bay
What is Pacific Coast Highway
The (blanks) help to keep the boat afloat in the water
What are the air tanks
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) The type of knot used to secure the halyard to the sail on the L14
What is an overhand bobble knot
The boat with the sail on the (blank) side has the right of way over a boat with the sail on the (blank) side
What are starboard and port
What is 4.
What is the Balboa Pavilion