Key Contributors

Notable church member who left his mission and gathered to Zion in Missouri without permission. (Ch. 14)

Who is William McLellin?


Section of the Doctrine and Covenants where the revelation on the degrees of glory is recorded. (Ch. 14)

What is D&C 76?


Served as a scribe to Joseph and witnessed the vision of the degrees of glory with him. (Ch. 14)

Who is Sidney Rigdon?


The place the Lord identified as the gathering place for Zion. (Ch. 13)

What is Jackson County, Missouri?


Distance from Kirtland to Hiram, Ohio. (Ch. 13 & 14)

What is 30 miles?


A preacher from Ohio who joined the church and traveled with Joseph to Missouri but returned, left the church, and began publishing materials opposing the church.

Who is Ezra Booth?

Church member who attempted to write a preface to the Book of Commandments but withdrew after his attempt was severely lacking. (Ch. 14)

Who is William McLellin?


A farmer who joined the church in New York, traveled to meet Joseph in Ohio, and prayed in tongues at dinner in Joseph's house. (Ch. 15)

Who is Brigham Young?


The man appointed to be bishop in Zion and oversee the temporal affairs of the church. (Ch. 12)

Who is Edward Partridge?


A key reason why some church leaders in Kirtland were hesitant to publish the revelations Joseph had received. (Ch. 13)

What is they had imperfect language and may have reflect poorly on the Prophet Joseph?


The way Sidney Rigdon was taken from his house during the tar and feathering incident. (Ch. 14)

What is dragged by his feet?


Section of the Doctrine and Covenants where the Lord commands the people to lay the cornerstone of the temple in Zion. (Ch. 13 & 14)

What is D&C 84?


A printer who joined the church in Ohio, traveled to Missouri, and began publishing the Evening and Morning Star. (Ch. 14)

Who is William W. Phelps?


What saints had to obtain before traveling to Zion. (Ch. 13-15)

What is approval from church leaders?


The people commanded to establish a "firm" through which they would consecrate their goods and manage the temporal affairs of the church. (Ch. 14)

Who are Joseph Smith, Edward Partridge, Newel Whitney, and others?


Body part of Joseph Smith that was broken in the tar and feathering incident. (Ch. 14)

What is his tooth?


The war that Joseph Smith correctly prophesied would break out. (Ch. 15)

What is the U.S. Civil War?


Served as a bishop in Kirtland and allowed Joseph Smith's family to live in the upstairs of his store. (Ch. 13 & 14)

Who is Newel K. Whitney?


A major economic impact from the saints gathering to Zion described in the book (Ch. 14)

What is inflation?


The city Joseph and Newell Whitney traveled to to purchase supplies and complete other tasks. (Ch. 15)

What is New York City?


Female traveling preacher who dismissed Joseph as an ignorant plowboy. (Ch. 13)

Who is Nancy Towle?


The book that contains Joseph Smith's translation of Genesis 1–24. (Ch. 15)

What is the Book of Moses?


A member who lived in Hiram, Ohio and had her arm healed through Joseph Smith after it had been limp and unusable for years. Hosted Joseph Smith's family for a time at her house. (Ch. 14)

Who was Elsa Johnson?


The branch of saints from New York that settled in Missouri after being kicked off of Leman Copley's farm in Kirtland.

What is the Colesville branch?

Meeting and location where the Word of Wisdom was revealed. (Ch. 15)

What is the School of the Prophets in the upper room of the Newel K Whitney store in Kirtland?