Stages of Change
Myths and Misconceptions
Setting Boundaries
Drugs and the body
I am thinking of quitting. I am beginning to wonder how I affect others. I have started to make small changes in my use patterns.
What is "Contemplation"
People who misuse drugs are bad people.

True or False?

What is "False"

This boundary is clear and appropriate to the situation and to the abilities of the person. It includes giving the other person involved some choices and supporting their dignity and self-respect.
What is "Nurturing Boundaries"
A mild hallucinogen that can cause short-term problems such as impairment of coordination, concentration, and short term memory. May also cause difficulties with long term memory, lack of energy, and lung damage.
What is "marijuana"
I haven't used any drugs or alcohol in 6 months. I have been attending SAIOP groups and my local self-help groups.  I recently became a sponsor. I have done a moral self inventory and I have begun to work on my challenging behaviors. 
What is "Maintenance"
Addiction is a willpower problem.

True or False

What is "False"

This is an old belief, based on wanting to blame or shame people who have drug or alcohol problems. Addiction occurs in the mesolimbic dopamine system that is NOT under conscious control. People with substance use disorders have choice and some self control, but it is compromised.

This boundary is defined by assault, or the boundary itself is an invasion of the other person's boundary. It includes force, hurtful words, violence, or intimidation. 
What is "abusive boundary"
This substance may cause irritability, mood disturbances, paranoia, and auditory hallucinations. It may also lead to heart conditions, difficulties breathing, chest pain, strokes, seizures, and nosebleeds. 
What is "cocaine"
I haven't used heroin in 3 weeks. I have deleted all my connects in my phone, and I no longer hang out with family who may pressure me to use. I have told my family about my use, and asked for their support.
What is "Action"
Addicts cannot be treated with medications. 

True or False

What is "False"

New medications are being developed to help patients who already have success in recovery. Some examples are Vivitrol and Naltrexone.

These are not clear or consistent. They do not provide protection, and are not well maintained. One day bed time is at 8pm, and the next day its at 10pm.
What is "Neglectful boundaries"
This substance may lead to cardiovascular problems including heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and irreversible damage to blood vessels in the brain. It may also cause skin abscesses and psychosis. 
What is "Methamphetamine" 
I don't know why my cousin is always bothering me about cutting down on my THC use. I only smoke at night time, when my kids are already asleep. I have never done anything harmful while high. I'm only a recreational user of THC. 
What is "Precontemplation" 

Medication during detox and recovery is just switching one addiction for another.

True or False

What is "False"

In modern rehab centers, pharmacotherapy—or using drugs to combat addiction—is a common practice. This might seem frightening at first, and counterintuitive. But there are a few marked differences between the prescription medicine in rehab and the drugs you’re addicted to.

The drugs in rehab are FDA-approved for specific uses. They might be used to calm cravings while your body goes through detox, or cause illegal substances to give you horrible nausea so you can have a physical incentive to avoid them.


A set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use.

What is "Harm Reduction"
This drug may lead to slowing down of our central nervous system (breathing and heart rate). It can be deadly if taken with alcohol or benzodiazepines. This substance may also cause nausea, vomiting, and constipation. 
What are "opiates"
I recently told my wife about my concerns with using alcohol. I am thinking about attending A.A. groups this week. I made a list of benefits to being sober. 
What is "Preparation"

If you relapse during your recovery, you’re back to square one.

True or False

What is "False"

Relapse is not defeat—it’s a normal, even expected part of recovery. The National Institute on Drug Abuse compares addiction treatment to treatment for hypertension. Both follow a similar pattern of treatment, relapse, and treatment adjustment.


A term used in the addictions field to describe the process of avoiding, or not engaging in any use or potentially dangerous behaviors. 

What is "Abstinence" 
This substance my lead to weak muscles in the heart, strokes, premature aging of the brain, cancer of the esophagus, mouth, or throat. It may also lead to digestive system issues, such as ulcers and heartburn. This substance can also cause infertility and shrinkage of the testes. 
What is "alcohol"