What would previously cause Sai to cross the street and run away when he saw it?
What book made Sai (and mom) cry?
Who was Sai's best friend in middle school?
Which relative was afraid of Sai as a child?
What living organism does Sai continue to be scared of and watch from a distance?
What is the name of Sean's book?
Twice the Life
What career did Sai want when he was very young?
What disease was coined for mishearing something on purpose to twist it to have comedic effect?
Sangeetha Disease
What store does Sai shop at rarely and dislikes?
Where in France did Sai's short story take place?
What early art project still has a place of honour in the Ramani household?
Bead Curtain
What is Sean Driscoll's middle name?
A pet peeve at this job was not being able to complete projects. What is the name of the company he worked at?
Well Health
Sai wrote for this column when he did some freelance.
Lainey Gossip
What instrument did Sai play in high school?
What relative loves using the phrase "push comes to worst"
Ravi Iyer
Name a profession that Sai would never do even if his life depended on it.
What French book was one of his favourites growing up?
Le petit prince
What did Sai love baking when he was a teenager?
Fondant Cakes
Where did the Ramani family and Veena go on a long road trip to?
Prince Edward Island