This Salat has no ruku' or suujud?
Salatul Janazah
How many Surahs are there in the Quran?
Who was the companion of the Rasool (SAW) that had the highest level of Imaan?
Abu Bakr as Siddique (RA)
How many names does Allah (SWT) have?
What country has the largest population of Muslims?
Muslims should purify themselves with (blank)? If they can't find it then they should do this act to purify themselves.
Water & Tayammum
Name the Surah that is named after a basic pillar of Islam?
Surahtul Hajj
Who was the prophet mentioned the most in the Quran?
Prophet Musa (AS)
What was the relation between Prophet Musa (AS) and Prophet Haroon (AS)?
What percentage of their wealth do Muslims have to share in Zakat, annually?
When performing Wudu the feet are washed from the toes up to which point?
The ankle
What is the only Arab country mentioned in the Quran?
Known to be very wise, he was a King and Prophet?
Prophet Sulaiman (AS)
The Quran mentions rivers in Jannah of different pleasant, sweet, flowing liquids. Name any two
Who are the four Imams ?
Abu Hanifa, Shafiee, Ibn Hanbal , Maliki
What parts of the body are wiped when performing Tayamum?
Which is the longest Surah in the Quran?
Surah Baqarah
Name any two Uncles of the Prophet (PBUH) that were alive when Nabi Muhammad became a Prophet.
Abu Talib and Abu Lahab (Stayed Disbelieving) Abbas and Hamzah (became Muslims)
What is the 7th month in the Islamic Calendar?
Which Muslim Empire took over the most amount of land?
Ottoman Empire
Apart from the obligatory Salah which two Salah did Prophet Muhammed (SAW) emphasize and never miss?
The two rake'at before Fajr and Witr (Isha)
During whose time was the Quran compiled?
During the time of Uthman Ibn Affan
Who was the prophet that became blind after his son was separated from him?
Prophet Yaqoob (AS)
Surah Tawbah
What was the last battle in Islam?
Battle of Tabook