this MLB team has the most championships, with their last one coming in 2009
these two words were used to create to word spam
what is Spiced ham
what animal has black and white stripes
what is a zebra
what is the 2nd largest country in the world
(Double Jeopardy)
what is Canada
what compound is made from 2 Hydrogen atoms (H) and 1 Oxygen Atom (O)
what is water
Who is the youngest player to win the masters in 1997
who is tiger woods
what is the only US state that grows coffee beans?
where is Hawaii
what is Paul Salanga's Motorcycle company named
(Double Jeopardy)
What is Zephyr Motorworks
what country created chocolate
what is Mexico
what is the hottest planet in our solar system
what is venus
the Seattle Supersonics drafted him in 1987 then traded him to another team
Scottie Pippen (Chicago Bulls)
this country created sushi
(double jeopardy)
what is japan
this mob cant be exposed to sunlight in minecraft
what is a zombie
the smallest country in the world
what is Vatican city
4 states of matter
Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma
who has the most Olympic Gold medals
(Double Jeopardy)
who is Michael Phelps
what is 92-17
what is 64
what fruit is green and looks like a cucumber
what is a zuccini
Cristiano Ronaldo was born here in 1985
what is Portagul
what came first the chicken or the egg
the egg
which NBA team won the first NBA championship
who is the Philadelphia Warriors
the food at the last supper
what is wine and bread
what is the god of the sky in greek mythology?
who is Zeus
its the only country doesn't have a rectangular flag?
what is nepal
this planet is 4.6 billion years old
(Double Jeopardy)
what is Mars