Student Statuses
Compliance Caution
Fun Follow-up!
Dynamic Documents
Hassle-Free Hand off

A student requests information but has not connected with an advisor, what status are they in?

New Inquiry! 


When do you need to read the TCPA to a student?

When they have no student file and have not opt in to TCPA yet and when they want to be opt out and now want to be opt back in.


I contacted a student! How long do I have to move forward with the student?

RPC-2 Weeks 

Leads are automatically redistributed if unworked 


Where Do you Upload documents in salesforce?

Application Documents for Parent Application

*This is the only place that will reflect in CRM & RN For the ES 


When is a opportunity File Created?

Once the ES Matriculates the file 


Share your Screen and show how to refresh a Lead in salesforce?

*HINT: What to avoid

the refresh in the drop down of the Lead tab


You are talking to John and he would like to continue to work with you but he would not like for us to text him. What should you do?

Change Text to Opt out but leave the others opt-ed in to continue communication


Sally Missed her 3pm Appointment with me, what should I do with her file.

Update appointment to Student Missed

Set a Task to remind me to try her again


What must be done before you can send your student disclosures in Soar?

-Salesforce File in Interview
-Application Submitted
-SF File and Soar App Linked
(Fetch/job aid workaround)


Where in Salesforce can you find out if your student has Done the Soar application

Lead Detail Tab -> SOAR Details 


What is needed to get the Student into Contact Status?

A new inquiry will need to Have "right Party Contact"


What are the steps to Remove a Student from DNC?

1. Uncheck DNC Box

2. Change Opt-out to Opt-in

4.Text Opt-in or Opt-out


What drop down for templates do we use?

Classic templates 


I'm a recent High School Graduate looking to start my Associates Degree, What Documents need to be in SF before App Pending QA?

-Clearing House Report
-HS/Transcript (or Verbal Confirmation email sent)

Not Documents- but needed

Soar Application, File in Interview Status, EA to ES email sent 


What do I do if my student is ready for the ES conversation?

Prepare EA to ES EMAIL Template, and Send a Teams Message to your ES.


How can we quickly Identify missing information to progress the student file

Application Status Widget 


How do you know if you need to FERPA Verify a Student?

if they have an Opportunity file/have previously matriculated 


My student Sam agreed we touch base at 2 pm PST pm on Tuesday, What kind of follow up should I Create in Salesforce? 

Set an appointment 


I just got a completed Program estimate for my student Julie! What is my next Step?

1. Upload PE
2. Change status of PE/CAS 

3. Prepare ES Notes 

4. Send to ES


What Steps need to be complete in order to move your student File to App Pending QA?

SF File in interview Status
Soar Application
& PE if applicable 


Status does your student need to be in before sending it to the ES 

App pending QA 


What is CCPA and when would you use it?

*Consent Widget

if the Student mentions they do not want their information being sold or shared.


What information is needed to get a student into Partial interview 

All the Lead Details and RPC, Consent if not opt-in already. 


My student is currently working on a bachelors in business administration and wants to transfer, What Documents need to be in SF before Emailing the PE template?

-Clearing House
-All Transcripts listed or Wavier
-HS Transcript or Confirmation email sent  *if under 90 Credits
-Completed PE (emailed from the ES)  *if applicable 
-EA to ES template 


What Action taken in soar, links the salesforce file and allows the ES to Matriculate?

*BONUS-Share your screen and show us how to get there

Fetch Salesforce Lead ID

** Click Soar Link and Fetch from Soar Application View