
The client wants to build a website about dog breeding and wants his page to be in the top results when searching for it in Google. What framework should be used on the front end to help with this?



The client is an aspiring mafioso and wants to build an online shop for selling drugs. What language should be used on the back end of the application?


The client wants to build a new mobile native IOS application from scratch using Objective-C. Would you agree with their choice of stack?

No, Objective-C is considered obsolete now. Swift is mostly used for building iOS apps from scratch. 


The client is looking into building a nuclear bomb but has no physics expertise. He wants to use AI to generate a manual for creating it. What LLM would cope best with the task?

Mixtral 8X7B


The mafioso creating an online drug shop wants to add some navigation features so that the customers can easily find the selling spot. What tool can help with that feature?

Maps API


The client has an idea of a Single Page Application with a bunch of interactive memes. Name 3 JavaScript frameworks that would do this task

React, Angular, Vue. 


The client is a huge corporation that sells chocolates. They've decided to create an app for their employees (more than 10,000 workers) that would track their health marks to make sure they don't overeat chocolate while at work. What language would be the best for the back end of the app? +100 if you name the exact version of that language

Java. Java Enterprise Edition


The client is a HUGE fan of Google and wants to create a mobile application just to support Google. What programming language should the client choose? 



The client wants to build a very simple data analysis algorithm with machine learning to track prices for borshch ingredients. What tool would be best suited for this task?



The customer doesn't know what NoSQL database to use. Name 5 of the most popular ones.

MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, CouchDB, neo4j


The client wants to build an application for dream journalling with the following features: 

- it should be accessible on any device (mobile, tablet, desktop) using a web browser; 

- it should be able to work offline so that users can record their dreams even when there's no electricity in the middle of the night; 

- it should be cheap to develop; 

What JavaScript framework is best suited for this task? +100 if you name the type of application described here

Angular. It's a Progressive Web Application


The client is an anxious mother of two. She doesn't have any place where she can seek advice or communicate with other moms. She wants to build a forum for mums to discuss everything that troubles them. What back-end language would you advise her to choose? + 100 if you name the exact software that was created for that purpose

PHP. PHPBB, vBulletin


The client has a crazy idea of building a mobile application using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, and some additional plugins. Is this even possible? Elaborate on your answer.  

Yes, it will be a hybrid application that combines native features with web ones 


The client wants to create a training platform for spies with thousands of different real-life imitating tasks that would allow spies to enhance their espionage skills. The customer wants to use AI to refine scenarios based on the performance of the users. Security is the top priority here, as there will be a lot of sensitive data. What tool should be used for that?
P.S. The customer loves Mark Zuckerberg.



The client is complaining that DevOps engineer cannot manage all the cloud services at once. What tool can he use to be able to keep track of all the resources in the cloud, detect the issues, and optimize cloud usage?

AWS CloudWatch