What day do we do inventory?
How soon should a lead be contacted once it populates in Orangebook?
ASAP, Within 15 minutes
What is the October promo?
$129 first month (Premier Only) and save 50% off your HRM (same day only)
What is the recommended amount of splat points for a member to reach during class?
What are OTF's core values?
How long after class do members have after class starts to get in before we have to turn them away?
Why do we have this policy?
5 minutes
Safety issue because they will miss the warm up
What are the 4 tabs in Lead Management?
Leads No Intro Booked
Appointment Confirmations
No Shows
Missed Guests
Name the 5 most common objections
Think About It
Shop Around
What is the type of training we do at OTF?
(Hint: Not HIIT)
Heart rate based interval training
Who founded Orangetheory?
Ellen Latham
What are the age requirements for taking class/being a member at the studio?
14-15 Have to come with a parent or guardian
16-17 Parent/guardian fills out all paperwork
18+ good to go on their own
What is the proper cadence for contacting a lead - which methods of contact in which order?
Call, text, email
What are the details of the 30 day Risk Free Guarantee?
Take 12 classes in your first month (at the studio you signed up at) and if you aren't satisfied with your results, get your money back.
What is an exercise prescription?
How many times per week a member needs to come in to hit their goals
What year did OTF start?
What days do we call declines? What days do we email them?
Call M/W/F
Email T/TH
Name the first 5 questions we ask a TI
1. Thank you for calling OTF Portland, how can I help?
2. What is your name and number in case we get disconnected?
3. Have you ever been a member with us?
4. How did you hear about us?
5. Do you work or live in the area?
What is the process for Overcoming Objections
Make a Suggestion
What are the 4 types of focuses for blocks in an OTF class?
(ex: All Outs on the tread are a ______ block)
Endurance, Strength, Power, ESP
What is Orangetheory's mission statement?
Our heartbeat is to deliver proven fitness results for a healthier world
What is the platform we use to monitor facilities issues?
What is the goal for lead to booking %? (What percentage of our total amount of leads take an intro)
What are the 4 "W's" used to dig into an intros goals?
WHY is that important to you?
WHEN would you like to achieve this by?
WHO would like to do this with?
What is the technical term for the science our workouts are based on?
Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)
What is Orangetheory's vision statement?
To be the trusted global leader in innovative heart rate based interval training