Career Counseling Theorists
Theoretical and Ethical Constructs
Professional Organizations
Career Development Theories
Career Development Terminology
He developed Career Construction theory.
Who is Savickas?
The Realistic, investigative, Artistic Social, Enterprising, and Conventional types are elements of this theory developed by John Holland
What is The Theory of Types and Person-Environment Interactions?
Section A General, Section B, The Counseling Relationship, Section C Measurement and Evaluation, Section D- Research and Publication, Section E- Consulting Section F - Private Practice, and Section G – Procedures for Processing Ethical Complaints
What are sections of the NCDA Ethical Standards?
Super's developmental theory that stresses key elements of career planning.
What is Life Span, Life Space theory?
Generalization made about a particular occupation.
What is Occupational Image?
The Integrative Life Planning model is this theorists approach to career counseling which is constructivist and focuses don connectedness, diversity, spirituality, and social justice and social change.
Who is Hansen?
The key construct in John Holland's Theory of Types and person-Environment Interaction.
What is congruence?
Minimum competencies for counseling professionals at the Master's degree level of education.
What are the Career Counseling Competencies of the National Career development Association (NCDA)?
These theories focus on biological, sociological, and cultural factors that influence career choice, career adjustments, and withdrawal from careers.
What are developmental theories of career counseling?
This links individual images of occupations to a unified view of the occupational world.
What is a Cognitive Map of Occupations?
He developed the leading developmental approach to career counseling.
Who is Donald Super?
Lent, Brown, and Hackett's conceptual framework for understanding how people develop career-related interests, make their occupational choices and achieve career success and stability.
What is Social Cognitive Career Theory?
Association which creates standards to guide school counselors in their work with students
What is the American School Counselor's Association (ASCA)?
This career counseling theory is developed in segments; an assembly of theories; more than “just developmental; builds on 14 propositions; and is guided by an intervention model (the CDAC Career Development Assessment and Counseling model)
What is Super’s Life Span, Life-Space Theory?
The processes by which unacceptable occupational alternatives are eliminated most preferred occupational alternatives are relinquished for less compatible but more accessible ones.
What are circumscription and compromise?
Career Counseling theorist who developed the Theory of Conscription, Compromise00, and Self-Creation that focuses on the process of formulating occupational aspirations in childhood and adolescence.
Who is Linda Gottfredson
Self-understanding, occupational knowledge, and bringing these together to make an occupational choice are key elements of this career counseling approach.
What is the Cognitve Information Processing Approach?
The primary organization for professional career counselors.
What is the National Career Development Association (NCDA)?
Career development theory that responds to changing and new realities.
What is the Chaos Theory of Careers?
General Occupational Themes, Basic Interest Scales, Occupational Scales and Personal Style Scales are assessed using these assessments.
What are the Strong Interest Inventory with Skills Confidence Inventory?
In the Personality Theory of Career Choice this theorist postulated that child-rearing environments influence career choice.
Who is Ann Roe?
Three relevant ethical principles counselors can use to guide professional client relationships.
What are Veracity, Privacy, and Confidentiality?
Five relevant Ethical Codes for Career Counseling Practitioners.
What are the American Counseling Association (ACA), National Career Development Association (NCDA), American Psychological Association (APA), International Association of Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG), and National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) codes?
Savicka's career counseling theory incorporates differential, developmental, and dynamic approaches.
What is What is Career Construction Theory?
Autonomy, Nonmaleficence, Beneficence, Justice, and Fidelity.
What are five (ACA) ethical principles a counselor can use to guide ethical practice?