The founder of the Empire of Mali.
Sundiata Keita
Form/Type of Government for ALL of the three Salt-Gold Kingdoms
Monarchy with a King
The TWO main items used to trade All of the Salt-Gold Kingdoms
Salt and Gold
The two religions that grew in the Salt-Gold Empires. Led to Cultural Diffusion
Islam from Muslim traders and the traditional belief of Animism
A similar reason for the decline of ALL the Salt-Gold Kingdoms
Civil wars throughout the empire
The Kingdom that Sundiata defeated before founding the Empire of Mali
Kingdom of Soso
The two groups that would assist the King in decisions in the Mali Empire
Arab merchants and local chiefs
The rivers that the Ghana Empire used to trade
The Niger and Senegal River
The action that Mansa Musa took to show the cultural diffusion between Muslim traders and Animism.
As a Muslim, took the Hajj and gave gold away.
The Empire that was growing and had competing trade routes with the Mali Empire
The Songhai Empire
The Songhai Empire
A unique detail about the king in the Ghana Empire. Along with a political leader, also had another role.
The two groups the Mali Empire traded with
Europeans in the north and Muslim traders in the south
Koranic Schools were built
The Kingdom the Empire of Songhai fell to and how.
The Moroccan Empire fought with modern weapons.
Where did the Ghana Empire form
Between the Sahara Desert in the north and rain forests in the south
Unique to only the Songhai Empire that made the government more centralized.
The Songhai Empire was split into provinces and governed by different local officials
The port in the Songhai Empire that was used to trade and grow the Kingdom. (Population of 100,000)
The Timbuktu Port
The action King Muhammad I failed to do that proved cultural diffusion took place.
Establish Islam as the state religion, allowed both Islam and Animism to grow together.
The Group that attacked the Ghana Empire
The Almoravids