Mind Blowing Facts
How many milligrams of salt is the average person supposed to have per day?
How many teaspoons of sugar do you think that the average person consumes a day?
22 Teaspoons
We all know that fat is horrible, so why do we still eat it?
Food companies researched and have found ways to put it into our foods that make it more attractive so we don't feel as bad for eating it.
If our favorite snack foods such as chips, Cheez-Its, and crackers were to have all of the salt and fat removed from them do you think that they would taste completely different?
Yes, they you wouldn't even be able to tell what they are
Why do you think that the sodium content is so high in cheap foods?
Adding spices to foods gives them more flavor. Salt is like water, it’s pretty much free. Other fresh spices such as rosemary could be used but cost money, which in the end would make the price of the foods go up.
How many teaspoons of sugar are in ONE can of Coke?
9 teaspoons
What age group do you think consumes the most saturated fat each year? a. 1-3 b. 4-10 c. 11-20 d. 21+
a. 1-3 year olds were found to be ingesting the most saturated fat with it being more than 12% of their total calorie intake.
How do you think that Kraft got their cookie sales back up after they dropped in 2002 due to people dieting so much?
hey made the 100 calorie cookies in order to give people a “guilt free” feeling when eating them, but knew that they would eventually go back to the regular cookies…. and they were right.
What is it about popcorn that you think makes it so addicting?
Popcorn makers use a special salt that is flaked and shaped to cling to every nook and curve of the popped grain, to send instant jolt of pleasures to the consumer, making it impossible to just have one bite
What is a bliss point?
The maximum amount of something such as sugar, salt, or fat that a person's palate can handle
How many pounds of cheese do you think that the average person consumes in one year?
33 pounds……..compared to 11 in 1970
Food industries have a budget of 146 billion dollars a year to much of that money do you think is spent on the pursuit of healthy foods?
6.5 million…...that's .0045%
How many different types of salt do you think the company Cargill currently sells?
How many gallons of Kool-Aid do you think americans drink a year?
569 million gallons a year
Which of the following do you think is responsible for having the most fat? a. Snacks (chips, granola bars, candy, ect) b. Desserts (ice cream, brownies, cookies, ect) c. Cheese d. Red meats
Both C and D
Who do you think are the biggest targets when it comes to advertising foods that are bad for you?