Lance Osorio-Santiago hosted the Speed Networking event, attended the OSCM x SAM Professional Mixer, and assisted with SAM's Mock Interview meeting. He works for this company.
What is Northrop Grumman?
Big-box retailer that hosted SAM for a corporate tour in October.
What is Costco?
Francisco, Alejandra, Jose, Megan, Rachel and Tatum all have this in common.
What is the title of vice president?
An introduction that highlights who you are, what you do, and what you're looking for in under two minutes.
What is elevator pitch?
Board member most likely to plan fundraisers for SAM.
Who is Angel (fundraising director)?
Beyond creating the Operations & Supply Chain Management major at CSULB, Dr. Jessica Robinson has this relationship with SAM.
What is faculty advisor?
This SAM social was the first of the year, hosted at Whaley Park. It is also something teddy bears enjoy.
What is picnic?
This team planned and facilitated your headshot fundraisers this semester.
What is Public Relations?
SAM's first general meeting theme of the semester, or a nice cool mint.
What is Icebreakers?
Board member most likely to bring their lizard, Paprika, to a SAM event.
Who is Carmen?
SAM stands for this.
What is Society for Advancement of Management?
(No "the"!)
Derrick and Jose went live on SAM's Instagram to draw spots for this corporate tour. The destination was highly selective, and only allowed for 10 driven students to attend.
What is Toyota?
SAM team responsible for planning facility tours, engaging professional speakers, and representing SAM with the Operations & Supply Chain Management Advisory Board.
What is Corporate Relations?
_____ her? I barely know her!
What is poker?
Be Gru.
Who is Francisco?
Professional guest speaker, Martin Van Kanel, hosted our "Build Your Own SAM Meeting" workshop this semester. He founded this type of company after graduating from UCLA.
What is wealth management?
The OSCM x SAM Professional Mixer at the beginning of the semester was hosted at this type of recreational facility.
What is golf course?
There are 9 of these on the SAM board.
Hint: one A, four Js, one T, one B, one C, and one R.
What are Committee Members?
(Amari, Jenny, Janina, Jade, Julizza, Taylor, Baron, Carmen, and Riley!)
Before applying for a job, these two things must first be perfected.
What are Linkedin and resume?
General member(s) most likely to win member of the month.
Who are Andrew, Jelena, or Gosia?
SAM is associated with and supported by these two professional organizations.
Hint: one board is "AWESOME", one is CSCMP.
What are the Operations & Supply Chain Management (OSCM) Board, and the Council for Supply Chain Management Professionals?
SAM's most recent social was a bonfire hosted at Bolsa Chica State Beach, in collaboration with these two other student organizations.
Who are the Financial Management Association (FMA) and FoodieClub?
These six teams make up the SAM board. Each team's tasks, respectively, are as follows: supervision, professional interaction, money, social engagements, member benefits, and publicity.
What are Oversight, Corporate Relations, Finance, Events, Memberships, and Public Relations?
An event where people display their skills (and, in SAM's case, explain their job descriptions) by performing a variety of acts.
What is talent show?
Most likely to be amazing to be around.
Who is my SAMily? My SAM fam? The entire SAM community?