Where can Freeman staff access the CORT Cost Sheet?
Name the 3 segments of SAM customers.
Exhibit House, General Contractor (or Trade Show), and LC Event (or Corporate Event)
This global experiential agency is frequently the creative force behind Freeman corporate events.
George P Johnson
In the movie Home Alone, what is the full name of the character played by Macaulay Culkin?
Kevin McAllister
What is FOL?
Freeman Online
What are S.M.A.R.T. goals?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound
This award was recently bestowed upon GES's Executive Vice President, Chuck Grouzard, by ESCA.
What does EDPA stand for?
Experiential Designers and Producers Association
In the holiday classic, "A Christmas Story," what does Ralphie want for Christmas?
A Red Ryder BB Gun
Each year, Freeman nominates and awards staff for exemplifying their values (Integrity, Empathy, Innovation, Enthusiasm, and Learning Mindset). What is the name of the award?
True Blue Star of Excellence
Name the 4 critical meetings for 2025.
Business Review, Mid-year Review, Capabilities, and Design Trends
What is the name of the PE firm that recently sold GES?
What are all the shared accounts?
Impact XM, Pinnacle, Sparks, Czarnowski, MC2, GPJ, and Derse
On the 8th day of Christimas, what did my true love give to me?
8 Maids-a-milking
Daily Double: What's the difference between Client Solutions Managers and Client Relationship Managers at Freeman?
Solutions are producing AEs and Relationships are selling AEs
On the KPI tab, what are the 3 types of meetings you're responsible for?
What is the name of the system that GES uses to interface orders to CORT?
What is the highest grossing revenue trade show for CORT?
What year did Mariah Carey release the hit holiday song, "All I Want for Christmas?"
Who is the current CEO of Freeman?
Janet Dell
On the KPI tab, what are the name of the 2 types of calls you're responsible for?
Prospective Business
Recurring Revenue
Daily Double: GES uses the acronym T.R.U.E. to describe their values. What does each letter stand for?
Trust, Responsibility, Understanding, Excellence
This GES show occurs every 4 years in Las Vegas. Like Con Expo, it attracts lots of heavy equipment and takes place both inside and outside. (Hint: It happened in 2024)
Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen