this actor stated the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club
Brad Pitt but technically Ed Norton since brad pitt's character didn't exist
when asked Do you collect anything? this tm replied funko pops
this goof ball stated I live my life one quarter mile at a time
Dom aka Vinny D
This TMs favorite color is Teal Blue
This Actor is credited with the Line "I see dead people"
Haley Joel Osment
This TMs favorite place to get food on campus is Cafeteria, I love when they have interesting specials.
Kelley reese
this singer told us all that the truth hurts in her song
When asked how this tm will spend their 10 days to live a dream they said I'm already living my dream as a bond trader lol
Blaine Paden
this movie is where we get the fmaous quote i'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse
The godfather part 1
when asked What’s your favorite TV show, movie, or book? this tm replied Walking Dead and 24
You cannot keep me until you have given me. What am I?
Your Word